Peruvian farmer sues German energy firm RWE
A court case, brought by the Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano against energy firm RWE, started yesterday, November 24th in Essen, Germany. Melting glaciers are threatening his home and city. The causes are climate change and RWE’s huge carbon emissions.
The glacial lake above the city of Huaraz.
Melting and collapsing glaciers are threatening a flooding catastrophe rolling to the city of Huaraz. Saúl Luciano and 30,000 others are threatened to be killed. He is presenting a simple bill: The costs for the protective dam are to be paid by RWE to the extent that the Group is responsible for the global increase of CO₂ emissions.
Saul Luciano had come to Essen himself, but did not speak. His action is of fundamental importance. Never before has an individual complained against a company responsible for climate change.
That is why we are waiting the result in high suspense! RWE will fight violently, because this is a precedent, which may have far-reaching consequences. But there is already a reason to celebrate: for the first time a judge has declared that such a trial in principle is possible and the case can be negotiated.
With a simulation of what would happen (in minute 4:46):