Solidarity Action Day for Hambi4, The Forest and for Climate Justice: Saturday 10.3.2018

Hambi 4 remain imprisoned going on two months now for offenses for which Hambach Forest Activists have not been detained for longer than 48 hours before.  This is also a record number of Hambacher Forest Activists that have been detained for so long. The Climate Crisis Capitalism is responding to the global emergency it has and which it continues to create with a permanent state of emergency based on fear, militarization and even more  of  its usual repression.

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Mail to the 4 being Destroyed and Withheld

UPA 1,3 and 11 are being held in the same cell block and are able to see each other with 11 not getting any mail as it was misdirected and forwarded to UPA9 in Aachen who is aready out (if anybody is able to pick this mail up maybe it could be forwarded to 11?). With 2 being isolated from all the others and not able to see other Hambis and so is especially asking for any reading material: zines, print-outs from the blog and other autono media outlets. The prisoners have once again been lied to and told that they can not have books send in when paper back, zines and mags are allowed. They also had soli photos and other materials withheld and destroyed.

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Starting a Prison Riot: Hambi Prison Story from Texas

Before dropping out completely out of capitalist work and profit driven world and fully realizing how corrupt and full of lies it was I would engage in temporary work during my travels. It was at a gig like that helping at upholstery shop in a small west Texas town located right on the border with Mexico, that I discovered how fucked small town “justice” can be. The shop was a car-lot full of dead and old cars, some with bullet hole riddled windows with a small shack in a middle, for two weeks I lived and worked in that shack and had access to one of the old cars to get around. And as I drove in that old clunker to get a shower, pick up my wages for one a half weeks from my employer in the middle of town I was cut off by a police car the cop ran out of his car with a gun in his hand which he pointed in my face and arrested me for stealing the car I was driving.

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