Skill Share: Now more than ever, and even longer!

In the last few days we were asked again and again whether the Skillsharing camp will take place, despite the impending eviction. And of course the answer is yes! No matter if and which structures are evicted, we will find a place either in the Hambi or in the vicinity and make sure that there is a great skill share! And to show that we are not going to let the repression organs spoil our events, we’ll put in some more days.
The Skillshare-Camp will be opened on the evening of 09/22 and go until 10/03.

Some frequently asked questions
Some background info

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Invitation to the Skillsharing camp, autumn 2018

We want to invite you to the Skillsharing Camp in Hambach Forest again. In advance, we are going to answer some frequently asked questions, this time with the kind support of the state government of NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia, the German federal state in which the forest is).

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News Ticker, First Days of September

News ticker

(check also twitter @HambiBleibt @Oaktown1312 )

September 6th

12:46 Clearing stop until October 14th. Due to the complaint of B.U.N.D., RWE must wait with the deforesting.
12:40 End of today’s police campaign. Police and RWE withdraw from the Forest.
12:01 Police left Gallien and probably Oaktown too, probably due to the rain.
11:50 Day X was called, because the first trees have been felled. Many people will take action now.

Continue ReadingNews Ticker, First Days of September