District Government Arnsberg approves deforestation from October on

Not surprising and yet deeply distressing? The district government of Arnsberg approves the main operating plan 2018-2020 and thus the further deforestation of the Hambach Forest from October 2018 on.

Here you can read the press release of the he district government in German: https://www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/presse/2018/03/063_18_03_29/index.php

What does this mean for us? It’s just another proof that jurisdiction has nothing to do with justice. That profit interests prevail over environmental and human rights. And that coal exit remains manual work.

The attempts to criminalise and isolate our protest are more obvious than ever: Never have so many active people been in prison for so little offence. At the same time, they try to describe things as if the violence came from our side, and we were to blame if the police felt compelled to evict the occupations and to destroy the forest because of danger ahead. It is more necessary than ever to counteract this. Let’s start preparing for the upcoming clearing season. It’s time to found local groups, to organise, or to take another semester off, to quit your job or drop out of school, and to plan a deforesting season in the Hambi.

Because for a climate of justice we have to fight ourselves.

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Skillsharing Camp – Workshop Schedule

This is the Workshop Schedule of our Skillsharing Camp, Spring 2018
Translation in progress.
Daily Program | 03/26 | 03/27 | 03/28 | 03/29 | 03/30 | 03/31 | 04/01 | 04/02 | 04/03 | 04/04 | 04/05 | 04/06 | 07.04. | 04/08 | Spontaneously scheduled events
More detailed descriptions of the workshops you will find here in German (more actual) or here in English

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Hunters give up – RWE will take on the killing of animals in the area of Hambacher forst !!

WDR interview with the hunters

Hunters have underestimated the animals living in the area. It seems like these have been defending their lives: the structures that were used to shoot them have been repeatedly destroyed.

The destruction of the hunting towers have led to the hunters not being able to continue with their murdering.

Hunters told WDR that they would no longer be practicing their murderous activities in the area of the Hambach forest. Now, RWE takes on the responsibility of killing wild boars, foxes, dears and other animals, after having massacred the bats, mice, squirrels by closing off their living space, and on a larger scale destroyed so much of the forest and the rest of the living beings there.

Hunters were active in this area because they wished to uphold their passion and tradition of hunting, killing and torturing animals.

Another excuse that the hunters use is that the animals destroy the fields, so have to be killed.
Precisely here we can see the structural discriminations against other living beings. This human logic of killing animals to secure their areas of profit is specieist. As human beings, why do we always use the lands, water and nature as if it were only ours and not to share? Shouldn’t other living beings also have the right to live unharmed?

Anyways, the fields will be eradicated by RWE if they succeed with expanding the already humongous coal mine. Moreover, if the Hambach Forest hadn’t been reduced to 8% of its original size, and if the hunters had not manipulated the natural balance of animal life, with natural predators, then we would not have to talk about these problems.

Continue ReadingHunters give up – RWE will take on the killing of animals in the area of Hambacher forst !!