Animal Liberation Week Approaching – Help Needed, Workshop List and More

As the days get (hopefully) warmer, our Liberate Or Die: From Cage to Freedom event approaches quicker that we would like to recognize. For anyone that isn’t in the known, the event will take place from the 15th to the 20 of March in the heart of the Forest! Many working groups are working tirelessly to accommodate the possibility of over one hundred people coming from multiple countries for a week of workshops and actions related to the animal liberation movement.

There is a facebook event where most updates are made, so if you are able, check what is going on over there!

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Evictions in the Occupied Lejuc Wood near Bure (F)

February 24th
After the first evacuation (see below), not all tree houses were cleared. On the contrary, at least one was reoccupied. With the others, it is tried. The still-occupied tree houses were supplied with food by people who managed to get through the police bars. A new clearance action is in progress!.

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Skillsharing Camp – Workshop-Spoiler

 To give you some anticipation, here we announce already some workshops that will take place at the Skillsharing Camp. The list is regularly updated, even during the camp.

See also the Spring Skillshare 2018 – FAQ

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Update of Actions

TUESDAY 2 PM Recon of the Forest for the planned trash cleanup of debris left over from evictions and closed roads and highways.
7PM in The Roundhouse: Prisoner letter writing evening to the Hambi4 and projection images and videos from Saturday.

SUNDAY 4/2: Photos of Solidarity from other Occupations, Struggles and individuals continue to pour in.

SATURDAY 3/2: Thousands take part in Demonstrations, Banner Drops, Actions, expressions of Solidarity and Support from across Germany and Europe.

Update Friday 2/2: All five were released without conditions and without giving their personal details. Four Hambis are still in the Ossendorf jail. For the All fiv, the lawyer made a request for release. More on abc. English translation under the german version.

Five of the Hambi9 arter being released:

The reception committee is ready!

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