Bagger blockiert! Bagger blockiert! Bagger blockiert!

12 activists arrested and several injured during the demolition of the compost toilets in Hambacher Forest in Germany.

A hundred riot police officers, mounted police, and security personnel of the RWE energy corporation arrived early in the morning (23.4.2014) with bulldozers and diggers in order to demolish the compost toilets and infrastructure of the protest camp.

The activists climbed on trees, constructed blockades, and protested with music and clowning. One activist chained themself to a bulldozer with a lock-on tube, thus stopping the whole convoy for four hours. Police brutally attacked the protesters. One activist was hospitalized with a concussion after police repeatedly hit him on the head.

„We wonder why the police invests so much energy and resources in the destruction of sustainable toilets when 500 metres away lays the biggest shit-hole in Europe,“ said Ginger and Clowney after their arrest.

Hambacher Forest was occupied since April 2012 in protest against the expanding open-pit mine Hambacher Tagebau, the largest CO2 producer in Europe, owned by RWE. The occupation has been delaying the continued destruction of the ancient forest.

A few days ago an article appeared in the local mainstream media claiming that activists harrass passersby and smash police and company vehichles.
„Three days before the official re-occupation of Hambach Forst, RWE and the police are looking to intimidate and criminalize the activists. The mainstream media is very willing to support this cheap propaganda,“ said the activist Isabell Schwarz.

The activists faced several evictions, but have immediately re-occupied. The last eviction was at March 27th, but a public re-occupation is planned for April 26th.

Digger blockade!


„We oppose all this shit“ Interview with the EarthFirst! Journal

EarthFirst! Newswire

The Earth First! Journal published an extended Interviewon the Hambach Forest, the eviction, the re-occupation and the protest in the Rhineland.

Please feel free to subscribe their newsletter to be in solidarity with our friends at the EF! Journal and also up to date with “direct actions in defense of living systems”!

Here’s the interview

Continue Reading„We oppose all this shit“ Interview with the EarthFirst! Journal

Another Info-session about the Hambach Forest in the US

On Friday, 11th of April 2014, a very well attended Infosession in Chapel Hill/NC (US) took place.

Internationalist Books Chapel Hill

At the “Internationalist Books & Community Center” some two dozen people mingled and besides the Info-session a Q&A did happen concerning the current situation of the movement in the Rhineland – which did lead to more than 3 hours of information, exchange, discussions and questions.

We are so freakin’ pleased about this networking and sympathy and we send greetings of solidarity and love to all our comrades and friends everywhere out there – and today especially to Chapel Hill!

Continue ReadingAnother Info-session about the Hambach Forest in the US

Call Out for Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest on April 26th 2014

After the eviction of the third occupation in the Hambach Forest near Köln, which took place on March 27th after existing almost 7 months, one thing is sure:

Occupation Number 4!


We had to suffer massive repression, especially this time: the raid on the meadow occupation and two other projects, confiscation of all our electronic devices, hand-written journals as well as private stuff. This proves one thing: Our direct protest against the exploitation and the destruction of nature by RWE is effective. We will show that we’re not afraid and we will not give up!

As announced before, there will be a Re-Occupation at Day X+4 (the saturday 4 weeks after the eviction).

The 26th of April isn’t just a day like another.
This very day exactly 28 years ago the nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl took place. We cannot seperate the struggles against Coal and Nuclear Power. It’s not enough to shut down nuclear power plants and substitute this by burning coal; as well as it’s not acceptable to stop mining and burning coal for the creation of nuclear energy.
It’s a common resistance against the destruction of nature and the idea of ongoing growth in disregard of the results.

It’s a criticism of capitalist thinking, which just divides in resources and capital.
We cannot wait until the next big catastrophe opens the eyes of people.

Something has to change NOW!

So we will re-occupy the Hambach Forest on April the 26th, massively and determined!

On this day, a demonstration will start at 2 pm at the train station in Buir.

If you are motivated to take part in the organization, you can visit the “Build Resistance Skill Sharing Camp”, which takes place from April 12th to 25th on the occupied meadow. There an open organization meeting for the day of the Re-occupation is going to take place: on Sunday, 13th April, at 12am.

You can participate as individuals or affinity groups in many different ways:
Spread the word, help with the organization, occupy the trees or support on the ground.
Your solidarity is stronger than all repression!

For more information write to, or follow our blog:

Together, we stop RWE and the open cast pit!
Respect Existence or Expect Resistance!

See you on April 26th!

You can find flyers and posters for self-print hier.

Continue ReadingCall Out for Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest on April 26th 2014