Greetings to Lusatia from the WAA

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Greetings from the WAA to the actions in the Lusatian lignite mining area

DIY or dieIn parallel with the Climate Camp, which is being held for already a week in Lusatia, currently the Action Days are taking place. In the Lusatian lignite mining area, which is operated by Vattenfall, the production and conversion of lignite is paralysed by actions for meanwhile three days.

Blockades, occupations, demonstrations and repression

On Friday the 13th of May, more than a thousand activists procured access to the open pit Wenzlow (Open Street Map, will be opened in a new tab) and knocked out the mining operations. Since then, several points were blocked in the area. By means of lock-on actions and sit-ins on the coal railways and the access roads, abseiling actions from bridges as well as demonstrations, the operation is almost completely at a standstill.

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Action training in the AZ Cologne on Sunday, 5/8/2016

Action training in preparation of Ende Gelände
Start: Mai 8, @ 11:00 – 12:00
Duration: 4 hrs. (with breaks).
Please be on time and take time for the entire duration of the training. Coming later or leaving earlier does not make sense.

The moderated training is intended to exchange experience, to increase individual and collective ability to act by means of exercises to reduce fears and to learn new things. Basic contents of the training are:

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Hundreds shut down UK’S largest opencast coal mine

Final statement: Mass blockade of coal mine ends without arrests
First press release
Live tweets:

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Meanwhile a more credible claim of responsibility has been posted at indymedia. At this point, we do not want to comment nor torate it, we only want to report on it and to stimulate discussion. Nevertheless, thanks to the author(s) of this second letter, which certainly also will resolve some of the confusion within the “scene”.

Declaration on the cable fire in the Hambach mine

We speak up as those who caused the breakdown of the lignite mining in the Hambach open pit last Sunday morning, April 24, 2016. As a target of our attack we chose the uncovered ground lines between the coal bunker and the conveyor belts collection point. With these cables all excavators, spreaders and conveyor belts are connected. The cables pass from the substation on the western edge of the pit near Oberzier, where is transformed from 280kV down to 30kV, to the conveyor belts collection point on steel frameworks at a height of about 20 – 200 cm. Including the insulation they were about 10 cm thick.
In order to achieve a secure effect on as many cables as possible we poured and ignited tremendous loads of petrol under the cables. Near the fire, there were neither buildings nor equipment to which the fire could have jumped over. There also were no people around. The various blackouts were accompanied by bright flashes, visible in the entire pit. They were due to the discharges of the power cables as soon as the insulation was melted away. Our action was not only directed against RWE, but also against the dominant conditions. In a world where capital interests are in the foreground and the power structure ruthlessly pushes through its myopic interests against all odds, and against humans and nature, a radical resistance is needed. We want to oppose a resounding “NO” to this system, as a first step to tilt this balance of power at some point.

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