Now all the more! – Call for Germany-wide day of action on Feb. 3th

On January 22, the police tried in vain to clear the occupied barricades in the forest with an expensive action. Even the attempt to present the “violent ecoterrorists” to the present regional deputies of the SPD and AfD failed. For our resistance is colorful, courageous and broader than ever. Nevertheless, now 9 climate activists are in custody. They are accused of resistance to law enforcement officers. For opposing their bodies to the evacuation machines. For having decided to peacefully but firmly demonstrate against lignite mining and for a climate-friendly world. Never before in the history of this forest occupation, so many activists were imprisoned at the same time.

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Spring Skillshare 2018 – FAQ

The FAQ below may contain calls or instructions to offences. Therefore, it is forbidden to members of police, prosecutors and other authorities to continue reading from here on. All violations will be denounced.

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Skillsharing Camp, Spring 2018 – Save the Date

Soon it will be time again, the Skillsharing Camp in the Hambach Forest, our probably biggest event, is imminent. This year it will be from march 26th until april 08th. Thus it will take place during the Easter holidays of the vast majority of German federal states and in many other European countries. Because also students should have the chance to come (and if you have the misfortune to go to school where the holidays are different, e.g. in Hamburg, you still can skive off¹) 😉
The same applies to the semester break, so for university students.

As always, there will be a lot of workshops and some concerts. If you want to offer a workshop or an artistic contribution yourself, please write to

¹) It may be possible that this comment is an offense call.

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Some Dates

January 13th HambiSoliParty, AZ Wuppertal

January 14th Forest Walk, Hambi, 11:30 o’clock

January 17th Lecture, short films, discussion
„Braunkohlewiderstand im rheinischen Revier – mit Schwerpunkt Hambacher Wald“
18 Uhr, Bogensaal, Haus der Kirche, Frère-Roger-Str. 8-10, Aachen

January 18th HambiSoliKonzert, Café Chaos Köln

January 19th HambiSoliKonzert, Sonic Ballroom Köln

January 20th HambiSoliKonzert, Jam Club Koblenz

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