Bus from Cologne to the guided forest tour of Michael Zobel

Bus from Cologne on November 13th to the guided tour in the Hambach Forest, or what still remains of it.
Nature guide Michael Zobel shows the beauty of the forest and supports the preservation of the rest of the forest, which is further destroyed by the now starting deforesting season.
Actual info: web site of Attac Cologne.

The guided tour will start at 12 o’clock and take about 3 hours. The bus will stay on the spot and will bring us warmly and comfortably back to Cologne.
Arrival Hans-Böckler-Platz about 4 pm or a little later.

Depart und booking:
Time: 11°° (Please be there 15 minutes before!)
Cost contribution: 10,- €, reduced 5,- €
Signing up and place reservation: weissenfeld@nullposteo.de

This bus tour is organized and supported by Attac Cologne, die LINKE (section Cologne), action group Tschö RheinEnergie.

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Photographic Exhibition in Düren

Rest, but not in peaceFrom 11/05/2016 to 1/20/2017, Hubert Perschke presents his exhibition “Rest, but not in peace” in Düren.
It’s worth a visit! The opening will take place at 2:30 pm in the Wahlkreisbüro (electoral district office) of Gudrun Zentis in Düren, Friedrich-Ebert-Platz. Louisa H. Wang will accompany the opening with her music.
Hubert, born in 1947, is a photographer, a graduate social worker and a social scientist. The aim of the photographer is to depict the conflict of environmental activists with RWE Power and to give the visitors the opportunity to position themselves.

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Info Event about “Operation Fenix” on the meadow


For over 16 months the anarchists and others from so called Czech Republic have been facing the biggest police crackdown in recent years. The operation Fenix isn’t only the wave of repression. For the first time we are facing police entrapment, provocation, fabricated plots, and historically first “serious” accusation of terrorism. Why is all of that happening right now? Is the repression really the responsibility of the most militant part of the movement and does it help if we step back, or is there any other lance and way to deal with the authoritarian power of the state?

Come and join an ⒶBC reflection of one and a half year of accelerating repression and our reaction. Let’s talk about our protection and share some experiences of how to prevent falling into the trap. Now when the first court hearings are happening is especially important to see what kinds of solidarity actions we can provide to empower ourselves and keep our community strong instead of getting paranoid and paralysed.

The Talk will be mainly in English with a whisper translation into German.

4th of November, 7pm, Hambach Forest

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Sunday, October 23, 12.00: Forest Instead of Coal – Action Red Line A4

DIY or die

“The Hambach forest – or what is left of it and perhaps can be saved?
(Further dates November 13, December 11, January 15…)

The 31st monthly guided tour in the Hambach Forest, during the current grubbing season, surely will be the largest one ever in this forest: 3842 large and small people have been there, today many, many will come.

So far all appeals have been useless. This year RWE wants to destroy irrevocably 80 hectares of this unique forest again. We are not willing to accept that. We want to send a signal. The rest of the Hambach Forest can be preserved without stopping the lignite mining. Up to the route of the former A4 motorway can be dug, in the large area between the motorway and the mine are still immense coal seams. Our appeal to RWE:

Continue ReadingSunday, October 23, 12.00: Forest Instead of Coal – Action Red Line A4