NON-Deforesting Season 2017, Live Ticker

Today RWE was facing a deadline on accepting the BUND’s offer to stop cutting the Millenarian Hambacher Forest.
Day before this deadline, yesterday they agreed not to cut the forest during the 2017-2018 cutting season. It has been received with relief and sense of celebration to realize that this winter the forest will not be full of cops while trees fall and die all around. This is combined with full knowledge that it does not mean a stop to large scale repressive actions directed at the climate-justice movement in Germany, Rhineland and Hambacher Forest. It also does not mean moving away from climate destroying coal and lignite in NRW or in other countries with more coal power plants coming online around the world. Continuation of this destructive process seems to also be on RWE’s agenda since by not letting the case go to arbitration next week and having an expert decide on the matter of whether the forest deserves a status of protected natural habitat they left the option open to resume cutting the next year and to legitimize tree-house evictions even more. Protected under Natura2000 status could have also ironically have been used to call for and realize forest eviction. Either way the risk of evictions has not decreased especially since RWE aligned newspapers and journalists are publishing a frenzy of fear mongering articles and commentaries about to the forest and the cops continue to attempt to decrease the surprising strength and unity of the movement by putting forth “no win” ultimatums. So keep your support structures and attention active and visit us in the forest for Sunday radical breakfast and walk at 11:00 the supporter celebration party on “Secu” Road or just drop by anytime especially around holidays to enjoy food, music and the forest with the Eco Theorists, Theorizing and putting into practice a reality of another World being possible for the last 5 years. Big thank You to all that have been on the front line or supported them during that time.

How you can support us:

We ask the press people to call us, before you come and visit us.
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12/14 According to this article by the regional channel WDR the logging can be continued at the earliest from October 2018. For the time being, RWE has not received a clear-cutting permit from the state of NRW. Reason to celebrate!

>12/14 Deforestation stopped until 12/31/2017: Press release OVG (Higher Administrative Court) in German
Statement B.U.N.D. in German

12/13 NRW share in the week until December 14, 2017. On the 13th at 13:13 the course starts to fall. Are the stockbrokers superstitious or did they know that the stock can no longer be held after the settlement has been accepted (by B.U.N.D., see below, then by RWE, see above)?

BUND accepts the settlement (see December 1) on the condition that the expert to be appointed is truly independent. According to the proposal for a settlement, the defendant (North Rhine-Westphalia) should have an expert report clarify whether the forest, with regard to the Bechstein’s bat, fulfills the criteria for an FFH area. (area under special European protection)
The parties have until 15.12.2017 to agree (or not) to the settlement.
See also the legal info on the complaint of BUND

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Start of deforesting and evictions

According to police, RWE will start on monday clearing work in the Hambach forest. We hope and know that as many people as possible will be in the Hambach forest from Monday morning 3:00 clock to defend it.

Correction: it started already Saturday, Nov. 25th. See

We assume that this year they intend do a complete eviction (all tree houses + meadow occupation).
Because it is impossible to enforce this year’s clearing without evicting tree houses, we are prepared for it. We’ll prevent the deforesting! Here are some suggestions:
The last clearing season has shown that 2-3 weeks are enough to destroy about 70 hectares of forest. If you have the opportunity to come over for the next few weeks, then do so! You are needed here more than ever. Here on the spot we need people who occupy the clearing area as extensively as possible. Temporary tree occupations with mobile platforms are prepared and we will provide you with all the material and equipment you need. But also people who can help providing the tree houses, help with press and public relations work and provide emotional support are incredibly important. Since it may be that especially weekdays police in the forest is present, you can call before to ask if it is possible to come into the forest without being checked by police. Every Sunday at 9:00 clock begins an action and climbing introduction. Meeting point is the round house in the meadow.
If it is not possible for you to come for a week or more, you’ve got still the opportunity to be here for one action. For example, you could use an affinity group to prepare a blockade on the access roads (see action map) by which the clearance vehicles come.
Right now it is important to stay up to date and to make known what is happening here as widely as possible.

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Pre-alarm: RWE prepares for action

From some observations in the last 24 hours, we conclude that RWE is preparing for a major police operation. Opinions differ as to whether they plan to create facts before the verdict is pronounced, but it is certain that they want to be ready to start swiftly after the verdict is pronounced. We expect Monday, but Saturday would be possible too. In the past every day including Sunday was cleared, so a start on Saturday would be imaginable.

Get ready to join us. As soon as we know more, we’ll let you know.
And come on Friday at 10 clock to the Verwaltungsgericht (Administrative Court) in Cologne (Appellhofplatz) to accompany the verdict!
Open Street Map

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