Skillsharing-Camp vom 10.-17. April 4. February 2017

As each Spring before there will be a Skill-Sharing-Camp on the Meadow-Occupation at Hambach Forest.

Between the 10th to the 17th of April will be a lot of workshops, speeches, art & actions in the Hambach Forest and the surrounding area. We are confident that a lot of folks will join as the last years and that after a harsh winter a lot of new energy will empower the resistance.
Please share the info!

If you are up to join the Orga or if you want to participate with a workshop etc, just contact us!

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Solidarity with Bure Anti-Nuke Waste Occupation

BureAs we walk through the Hambacher Forest with new defenses of barricades and ditches build after last friday’s RWE’s secus and police intrusion the news arrives that the same fossil fool monster greed fueled repression has been netted to our comrades in Bure who are resisting destruction of the forest to pave way for more extractionist madness and insanity in the form of nuclear fuel dump. Barricades cleared, secus, police road blocks all sounding so familiar like the all too familiar global destruction of habitats to extract every last bit of poison killing the ecosystems, communities and climate of the planet in the process of lining the pockets of the corporate robber barons.

Hence, to companieros in Bure and all on the receiving end of this assault who are on the barricades, in the treehouses tents and caravans fighting this monster of global capitalist extractionism a loud shout-out of solidarity reverberates from the Forest of Hambach to You.

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Today less than 100 cops, secus and several pieces of heavy equipment destroyed all the barricades protecting now more than four tree-sit occupations defending the Hambacher Forest. As a response join the Hambi defenders for tea and food on Sunday as a show of support to those rebuilding the barricades. At 2pm a non-competive bike tea,coffee and yerba mate relay race will take place through the forest taking advantage of the resurfaced roads and making sure that a passage is left for pedestrian, bike and wheelchair access and that the barricades block vehicles only as was the case for the first 2 years of the occupation.

If you can not make it please repost this call


Images from this year’s cutting zone.

The art placed on the trees at the cutting line last year by students from the area can now be found on the ground in a place where an impromptu art gallery and an ecosystem has been turned into a wasteland by this cutting season.

Yet even now laying on the ground it serves as a marker in a terrain which feels disorienting as if one found themselves in ruins of bombed out ecological Hiroshima or Nagasaki not being even able to recodnize their own neighborhood until finding a small and yet so significant and symbolic detail that managed to survive and mark the place that once was and now only lives on in our memories and reminds of the importance of the struggle.

Continue ReadingImages from this year’s cutting zone.