Building Resistance – Vol.2 – Skillsharing Camp Hambach Forest, 26.09 – 6.10.2014

The Hambach Forest Occupation with its merry bunch of forest pirates invites you to the second Skillsharing Camp we’re hosting this year! We want to carry out a second act, a part two for the skillsharing event we held this spring, during which the Hambach forest was successfully resquatted.

Furthermore, this SkillsharingCamp will also be the start of the larger „Kein Baum fällt“ („No tree is falling“) campaign. This campaign is about motivating and supporting people during the whole season for – and of – actions.

Continue ReadingBuilding Resistance – Vol.2 – Skillsharing Camp Hambach Forest, 26.09 – 6.10.2014

–Cutting season starts in october! We won’t just stand and watch! —
Every autumn the forest prepares for the sleepy wintertime. The leaves fall off the trees, the squirrels hide the last nuts and the activists insolate their tree houses.
Every being is looking forward to a cold but quiet and peaceful time.
But with the beginning of october, the machines intrude the Hambach Forest again.
Humans and so-called “Harvester” (big machines for cutting trees) will not grant any rest to the forest and forward the cutting barrier for another 200m towards the camp, to kill more of the already wounded Hambach Forest.
But if they won’t let the forest sleep, we don’t want to rest either.

Continue ReadingHANDS OFF THE TREES!

English blog is back!

After a longer while of an instant shock, when checking the english blog of the hambach forest occupation, the password of the english page and people that would like to look after it found each other and now we can go on where not much happened during the last months.

Of course this doesn|t mean that the forest was quiet in the meantime.

Police was relativelz quiet the last months, we had some nice action days during clima camp, with the Hambachbahn being blocked on two places, and at the Tagebau Garzweiler people stormed the mine and blocked one of the big diggers 3 times in a row.

Now we|re preparing for the cutting season and for the still more or less expected eviction before it.

Keep fighting!

Continue ReadingEnglish blog is back!

[!!!] (UPDATE 1 p.m.) Police NOW in the Forest – Alert at the Occupation site [!!!]

(Update 1 p.m.) There is half a “group of one hundred” coppers roaming free, they destroyed the Forest-Café Meeting Point and tore down more infrastructure on the ground.


What did happen so far today…

This very moment a riotous assembly of coppers appeared in the forest. They sniff and goggle and just by their emanating thoughts on authority alone, as well as their armed presence they enforce the power- (aka. violence-) monopoly of the state.

We are going to keep you updated, so far there’s no clarity if this is purely harassment (“inspection”), a raid or the harbinger of an eviction.

We are preparing for all possible options!

ALL Colours Are Beautiful!

In case you’re not clear about your choice of music for the morning here’s two randomly chosen Youtube-links:

Continue Reading[!!!] (UPDATE 1 p.m.) Police NOW in the Forest – Alert at the Occupation site [!!!]