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As soon as barricades are destroyed in the Hambacher Forest they have been rebuild often even right behind bulldozers and before cops left the forest. This friday was no exeption but for the fact that this time also bread and roses have been put up in the place of destroyed barricades protecting the forest. This is connected not just with not continuing the resistance on an empty stomach but also with "Stones Are Our Breads and Barricades Our Dinner Tables." action that happened during this cutting season. It was also inspired by 1912 Breads and Roses Textile Strike and Riots in Lawrence Massachusetts which were organized by women and united over 30 different ethnic groups and also used workplace sabotage. The striking mothers with their children were brutally attacked by police at a train station as the kids were being sent to live with supporters when due to the prolonged strike the families could no longer feed them themselves. This resulted in international solidarity and finally with congressional hearings, positive workplace pay increase settlements, changing of work conditions and eventual shortening of the work week itself.

100 years later is it possible for RWE's irreversible destabilization of the Planet's climate and pumping its atmosphere full of toxins responsible for killing over 7 million people a year, as conservative estimates by World Health Organization indicate, result in equally positive response on the part of today's politicians?

The latest police action of clearing the barricades opens up the Millenarian Hambacher Forest to destruction by RWE and its release of megatons of carbon and a long list of toxins that lay below its floor and its roots. To be pumped into the atmosphere in the name of profit and greed regardless of the consequences showing that this time as well there will be no response that has anything to do with social and ecological justice on the part of legistlators, politicians and cops all deeply co-opted by the special interests of the coal industry without more radical actions such as those at the Hambacher Forest.

Bread and Roses was a title of a poem by James Oppenheim published in 1911 that a year later became a anthem of the strike to be performed through out the decades by numerous artists including a version with historical background by Utah Phillips.

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Cops in the Forest

Today in the morning the forest has once again been invaded by a contingent of RW€ and police. It seems to be a periodic barricade clearing only.

A Call for Support and Solidarity with the Forest Activists goes out: please document this action in person, online and if possible visit the occupation and offer your support.

Timeline of the Police Intrussion:

8:00 Information is received that cops are undertaking barricade eviction in the forest.

8:15 – Details: At Deathtrap 4-5 police vans, a few Security vehicles with heavy equipment. The clearing has not begun yet.

8:50 – The vehicle and bulldozer convoy starts moving through the forest. These are about 25 Police, 15 RW€ Security, 4 with cameras and three with dogs, a front loader, a tractor with and a trailor with the tail-end being a RW€ secu climate-killer SUV.

10:00 – The eviction-commando arrived at “Jesus Point” forest crossing.

11:00 – The Cops arrive at the exit/entrance to the forest going to Morschenich, it is not clear if this is the end of the action or not.

According to the recent statements of the local police a periodic barricade clearing actions will be undertaken when the barricades reach a certain critical size.

No arrests so far. Be aware of possible controls, even though there does not seem to be any around the Meadow itself.

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Skillshares Wishlist

Skillshare Camp is only days away and planning and preparation is well underway. That is why a final call goes out to invite all to come and share their knowledge, learn and take part in defending the Hambach Forest.

A request is also made to support the Skillshares Camp with any of the following:

1. Vegan Food of all types.

2. Sleeping bags, blankets and bedsheets

3. Clothing

4. Media equipment: cameras, laptops and “smart”phones.

See you in the Forest!

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Deutsche Welle Article

An article has appeared with video from Deutsche Welle discussing how Hambacher Forest is at the frontline of the Climate Struggle. Also mentions the slow transition to renewables and lists many of the important dates and statistics.

Video Clip shows the Meadow, the meal with visiting Climate Defenders and an interview with one of the activists

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