Pre-alarm: RWE prepares for action

From some observations in the last 24 hours, we conclude that RWE is preparing for a major police operation. Opinions differ as to whether they plan to create facts before the verdict is pronounced, but it is certain that they want to be ready to start swiftly after the verdict is pronounced. We expect Monday, but Saturday would be possible too. In the past every day including Sunday was cleared, so a start on Saturday would be imaginable.

Get ready to join us. As soon as we know more, we’ll let you know.
And come on Friday at 10 clock to the Verwaltungsgericht (Administrative Court) in Cologne (Appellhofplatz) to accompany the verdict!
Open Street Map

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Hambi Solidartity Demo in Aachen

Aprox 460 people came together to express their support for Hambacher Forest in Aachen this afternoon.  This was reflective of large suport groups forming in Bonn, Cologne and Aachen to help out during the cutting season and at eviction time.  The demonstration included many Hambacher Forest Banners, Flags and signs.  The participants and speakers included animal rights, anti-capitalists and local citizens.  Who later walked next to christmas markets and shopping malls chanting “Hambi, Hambi, Hambi.. Bleibt!!!” “Climate Justice Now!” and the one echoing around the world “Anti, Anti, Anti-Capitalista!!!”

If you want to add to this momentum of Solidarity and Support please form a local Hambi Support Affinity group where you are and consider local demos/actions and support visits to the forest during this cutting season.



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Things we are still urgently searching for

Dear people from outside the forest,

The trial on November 21 is getting closer and we are facing an organizational challenge. Of course, as more and more people gather in the forest to defend it, we also have to invest more and more supplies if we should besieged. In addition, we are happy about ready-packed backpacks for spontaneous actions (see below).

In larger quantities we still need:

  • Chocolate (vegan, and palm fat free)
  • Dried fruit
  • Nuts
  • Applesauce (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Oatmeal
  • Corn (canned)
  • Beans (canned)
  • Lentils
  • Canned instant meals (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Energy bars (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Vegan drinks
  • Juice
  • Gas cartridges
  • Water (5 liter packs)
  • Instant glue
  • Razor blades
  • Toilet paper
  • Tomato sauce
  • Lighter
  • Candles
  • Gas cooker
  • Sunflower oil

See also Donations in kind

Backpack packing list for spontaneous occupations:

Sleeping bag, headlamp, vegan energetic food for 2-3 days (muesli bars, chocolate, dried fruit), first aid bag, rescue blanket, tarpaulin, sleeping pad, two thermoses, heat pack (hand warmer)

Possibly: hammock, pastime material (books, magazines etc.)

Furthermore, sometimes we are looking for someone who can bring with a car about 700 kilos of food from Freiburg im Breisgau to the forest. Please call +49178/1637325). That’s the number of the forest phone, because most things are for the tree houses.
If you can still get some stuff foro us, we would be happy to get them until 11/19.
To all those, who support us with donations and food during this clear-cutting season: Thank you so very much.
By the way, you can give money too:

IBAN DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06
Reference Winter 2018

Or virtuel money to our Bitcoin account:


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Court Suit against RWE postpons beginning of cutting season to October 25th

A suit filed in the Cologne Administrative court by BUND NRW, a local chapter of Friends of the Earth, has resulted in RWE postponing its planned begining of the cutting season from October 1st to October 25th. This court case addresses the lack of environmental assesments, disregard of Flora and Fauna directives and brings attention to two colonies of endangered Bechstein’s bat that are located in the area of the Hambach Forest that is to be cut this winter. These two habitats contain 30-35 females each and are brooding places for their young as well. The suit also addresses the endangered biodiversity of the oak and beach stands that are to be cut and which have stood there since the end of the last ice age 12,000 years ago and represent one of the last natural outposts of this type in the region.

A court hearing concerning the legal aspects of the future of the forest will take place in Cologne on October 17 Verwaltungs-Gericht (Administrative Court) in Cologne, Hall 160 at 10:30 clock. Make a note in your calendar if you are in the area.

Another area in which you could assist even remotely in blocking RWE with its plans to destroy the forest is by contacting as many naturalists, botanists, entomologists, ornithologists, etc at your local university, environmental or naturalist group and directing their attention to the struggle to save the Hambacher Forest. A parallel effort of this type has taken place in the ZAD the Notre Dame and in Bialowieza forest making them some of the most studied and documented natural areas in Europe. Hambach Forest is in the desperate need of similar grass-roots, non institutional studies to be used as an expanded activist tool set together with direct actions. Both approaches do not require professionalism or any academic training but interest and motivation only.

More info on the suit can be found on BUNDS website at

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