Action Red Line – Media Review

In nice autumn weather, more than 1000 people (according to police) participated on Sunday, October 23, 2016 in the Action Red Line A4.

10-23-2016 Action Red Line on the ancient A4


Press releases (selection):

One of the organizers created a petition with the same demands as were set out in the action below. She asks to sign it numerously!
She is a member of Buirer für Buir

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Sunday, October 23, 12.00: Forest Instead of Coal – Action Red Line A4

DIY or die

“The Hambach forest – or what is left of it and perhaps can be saved?
(Further dates November 13, December 11, January 15…)

The 31st monthly guided tour in the Hambach Forest, during the current grubbing season, surely will be the largest one ever in this forest: 3842 large and small people have been there, today many, many will come.

So far all appeals have been useless. This year RWE wants to destroy irrevocably 80 hectares of this unique forest again. We are not willing to accept that. We want to send a signal. The rest of the Hambach Forest can be preserved without stopping the lignite mining. Up to the route of the former A4 motorway can be dug, in the large area between the motorway and the mine are still immense coal seams. Our appeal to RWE:

Continue ReadingSunday, October 23, 12.00: Forest Instead of Coal – Action Red Line A4

Campaign against the deforestation 2016/ 2017

| deutsch | français | español |

The Skill Sharing Camp in the occupations of the Hambach Forest is going on. This camp is the beginning of the campaign against the deforestation 2016/ 2017 which is starting in the days to come.

Some important things to know before:

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Climate Camp in the Rhineland, August 19-29

Also this year 2016 there will be a Climate Camp in the Rhineland, August 19-29. Like last year, at the same place there will be a Degrowth Summer School, August 19-23. Thereafter the Action Lab, August 24-29 is a guest at the Climate Camp. This year’s theme of the Climate Camp and Degrowth Summer School is “Skills for System Change”. Almost every event and discussion will be translated in several languages.
The videos below show the camp of 2015. The second one is with English subtitles.

More information on the Climate Camp 2016

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