Info material available!

As of now info material is available for the Skills Sharing Camp in Rhineland.
The flyers can be obtained in English and German. We also have got plenty of posters in A3 “the Hambach Forest remains”, with the motives trees + treehouses. Soon you can get stickers as well.

If you want to order mobilization material, then please contact the WAA.
Above your mail | sms , please indicate as subject: info material.
More info on the Skill Sharing Camp 2016
General Information on Action Weeks

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Skill Sharing Camp 2016

Skill Sharing Camp 2016For almost exactly 4 years, the Hambach Forest in the Rhenish lignite mining area near Cologne is occupied. This is a signal to stop the voracious excavators of the lignite industry and therefore a signal for a better climate AND a system change. For direct resistance, people are needed with diverse skills and creative ideas in order to be one step ahead before the power of repression.
That is why we invite everyone for the Skill Sharing Camp from March 25 to April 3, 2016 in order to teach, learn and try out skills together during 10 days.

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Action week!

The action week is starting again (January 22th – 31th, 2016)!
Some information and recommendations in this regard:

Firstly: You also can come if you don’t want to participate in any actions that are potentially associated with repression!

Ther will be some structures as :

  • Küfa (Küche für alle = Kitchen for all) cooks two vegan meals, they are happy about helping hands
  • To-Do-Meetings every morning at the (self organised) brakfast (an opportunity to coordinate with others in order to complete pending tasks)
  • Heated common spaces
  • Shower facilities at supporter’s in the neighborhood
  • Self-organized first aid, there is an (improvable) first aid room and a phone, to be staffed every day by a first aid experienced person, and a list in which people can sign up as a partner, mentioning their first aid experience (every day at least one experienced person and as many less experienced as want, bring first-aid stuff!)
Continue ReadingAction week!