Be notified of an eviction!

Live Ticker Deforesting Season 2017

For all of those, who want to be directly informed when cuttings or evictions are starting, here is an SMS alert list. To get informed type in your mobile number into the form down below. Then encrypt and send the message!

    Once you get informed, prepare yourself for the eviction and get your backpack packed (more…). It does not matter if you’re visiting us for one day or even longer, during the cutting season we need everyone to prevent the destruction.

    See you in Forest!

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    Bonner Strasse Cutting of 300 trees Blockaded

    Trees were occupied and a harvester blockaded in Cologne slowing the felling of over 300 trees for “Light” Rail MegaProject.  The cutting of the trees and reduction of pedestrian space and additional traffic lines like usual in urban and non-urban habitats coincides with mass wave of redevelopment and ecosystem/community decimation.  The response has been local grass roots resistance from 300Baeume that kept the struggle going for 2 years now culminating with support of Hambacher Forest activists who occupied the trees for the past two days as local supporters locked on to trees and climbed onto the equipment beginning on Thursday. Next day Friday Oct. 20 more private security of the City Privatize Frenzy Corporation KVB appeared and put up fencing around the trees and supporters, the limited police on the scene begun to pull local supporters surrounding a harvester away when forest activists climbed on top resulting in a four hour wait for more forces of corporate repression including the technical police to arrive.  Altogether the street filled with police vans and units attacked and pushed people below away from the equimpent and proceeded to remove the now 6 activists who have been in the meantime joined on the roof of the harvesters by two older female supporters living in the neighboorhood.  The support and feedback from those on the ground was incredible with discussion about direct action methods still not being a distraction from the coffee, cookies and batteries that were being passed back and forth as the police lines thickened.

    THANK YOU BONNER STRASSE GRASSROOTS!! from many others engaging in direct action protecting habitats from destruction and for a reminder that dinamic does not go unoposed and that many in the forests who are on the fronline are not alone in their sentiments and action.

    Four people were taken to the Giza in Kalk, refused to give their identity and remained anonymous despite being surrounded by 8+ cops and physically forced to give fingerprints.  Reminder of importance of use of safety pins, badges and super glue to resist the dynamic of surveilance state and its repression.  All four were released in about 3 hours but not before 2 people were physically assaulted while being stripped searched and fully and partially naked. In one instance for a for verbal comments that was made to the female prison guards who added insults to the physical attack by making sexist comments afterwards and in second case for a piece of clothing flying off in an inapropriate direction.  Everybody is physically fine yet additional support and advice could be helpful(especially  when hundreds of riot cops will descend on the forest for the cutting season) from other collectives dealing with the emotional and psychological aftermath of repression and state violence.

    YES VIOLENCE=Mass Media Coverage:




    Tree Cutting will resume on Monday as reported in the press and so more people are asked to come out and support the action.

    Continue ReadingBonner Strasse Cutting of 300 trees Blockaded

    Dates of the mobilisation tour

    deutsch | français | español

    Meanwhile some dates of our information and mobilization tour are fixed. Please share them with people living in the respective cities!

    The Hambach Forest has been occupied for five years, but it is more threatened than ever. This winter, they want to clear important parts of the forest and many tree occupations are threatened by evacuation. But our resistance will be just as massive! With numerous actions and blockades the destruction has to be stopped and we want to bring some of them closer to you. We will briefly present the forest, explain our plans for the upcoming clearing season and show you how to become active. Afterwards there will be a small climbing training for those who are interested.
    Here are the tour details:

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    Leith Hill, England: Forest Occupied

    The Fort

    A coalition of environmental activists and local residents has occupied a forest in Surrey South of London to block Europa Oil from cutting a hectare of protected Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that is also part of the local Green Belt. They have built a massive fort-like structure on the planned location of the drilling site, surrounded by tree houses and platforms and are also maintaining a roadside camp. The support of many locals has been exceptional, with meals cooked by a different local family each evening being brought to the protest site. The camp occupation is run by a small group of mostly older activists, with the fort being a closed to the outsiders high security installation. More direct-action and eco-defense activists are welcomed to exchange their skills and keep the struggle against fossil fuels going at this beautiful and still natural location.

    Links: (Video)

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