Förwilda-Camp in Sweden
“The summer in Sweden is cold and the sun never sets. That’s what we found out during our week-long stay in the diverse Forest ‘Vilseskogen’ near Gässjö in Angermanland in middle/north Sweden. There grow mostly pines and spruces, and some of them are 400 years old. Other characteristic species are mooses, different kinds of berries and lickens. When we went for inventory we found some red-listed species and our first wild orchid. The water of most of the lakes and springs is drinkable.
Our camp was set up on a hill in the middle of the forest. It was a small camp with a lot of different people, including locals from Gässjö. We had different workshops, self defence, practiced tree-climbing and learned how to build an instant platform. Furthermore we took long walks in the forest and talked about strategies to save forests in different local struggles.
But why did we meet here?
This forest is supposed to become toilet paper. The biggest private land owner in Europe, SCA, is planning to clearcut the entire ‘Viseskogen’. SCA is a company certified by FSC (Forest Stuardship Council) as an attempt to make them look clean and ecological. But under the logo of FSC forests are cut down in which red listed species are found. SCA only has to protect 5%
of the forest, but they can change the protected areas as they like over the course of time. This puts all of their forests at risk and does nothing to protect them in the long run. We now know the true face of the Satanic Clearcutting Assholes that they are.”