Bat Experts Visit the Forest
This week several bat experts from BUNDIS (German Friends of the Earth) visited the forest discussed and shared information on bat behaviour and their population pressures in the shrinking forest. The group that has evicted tha bats and mice by blocking their habitats has refused to engage us in this discussion reregardless of many requests and calls to discuss and explain their animal evictions in front of the harvesters by setting up a bogus claim that now there is no endangered bats in the forest about to be cut. This group is not only sponsored and paid by RWE but it was also discovered during this visit that their claims that they are affiliated and aproved by BUND were misrepresentation and were untrue.
The walk with infra-red camera looked at and for evidence of plastic covered holes being reopened by animals, fluid and smell comig from the opening indicating that animals were closed in inside. As a result of all the above evidence being found across the forest as many closed openings as possible were re-opened.