Meadow is still eviction proof

Contrary to some running rumours, currently there are no signs that the meadow is going to be evicted. In the next days, there will be no eviction here (the meadow sentence is not yet legally valid and there is also no court order). No one knows if something of this kind is going to happen in the next few weeks or months. So have a good time wherever you are, donate as you can, and keep an eye on the blog!

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Let’s stop together racists and neo-Nazis!

sit in
Saturday, 01/07/2017
1:30 pm Demonstration in front of the main station

Saturday, 01/14/2017
1:30 pm Cologne Ottoplatz/railway station Deutz

Pro NRW and other right-wing groups want to exploit sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve, during the night of January 1, 2016, for their racist agitation.

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No more mega prisons!

deutsch | français | nederlands
In Keelbeek (Belgium) a new, huge prison is planned. Fortunately, there is also a lot of resistance to the project. Today this solidarity photo was taken on the meadow, with which we want to greet the occupants in Belgium. We wish you all – even more in the hard winter months – loads of power and perseverance!
Open Street Map


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Meadow christmas wishes

Dear friends of the grotesque theatre of judiciary,

Kurt (the person who legally owns the meadow) puts a lot of effort and time, energy and money into saving the Hambach Forest and to bring an end to lignite coal mining.
A lot of court cases took so much money from him that he is not able to continue the court cases alone. That means a fundamental threat for the meadow occupation!

We want that Kurt can continue his fight against RWE!

If you want to do some more useful than enjoying capitalist consume-terror, then donate some of your christmas money or organise a solidarity event.

Bank: Kreissparkasse Köln
IBAN: DE22 3705 0299 1147 0393 73
Account holder: Classen, Kurt – Sonderkonto
Reference: Soli-Spende Hafo

Kurt and we will be happy about donations!

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