Greetings to Standing Rock and NoDAPL

We want to congratulate our comr@des at Standing Rock to their Victory against the DAPL-project!

WaterDefenders you give us courage and hope to continue our fight!

We share the worries that after the change of presidents the construction stop will be removed. We want to appeal to all to get rid of their stocks of destructive technologies like fracking, nuclear & coal power. And to call all the others which dont have such stucks to make more pressure to the stuckholders. In this area we just know that deutsche bank is stuckholder of the pipeline-project DAPL.

Dont let them allay your suspiciousness! Never surrender! No Compromise!

#NoDAPL! #StandingRock #StopPoliceBrutality!

Continue ReadingGreetings to Standing Rock and NoDAPL

Action Advent Calender 2016

This year the first action advent calender started, the idea is: up to Christmas every day some people are going to surprise us all with some action against the clearcut of Hambach Forest. The actions will be published on (just in German) where are always more pictures than on this blog. If you want to take responsibility to take action for a specific date get in contact with them: 01577/6655450
Below you find an English translation of some of these actions.

— It is like a live ticker: the last opened door is on top —

12th door open!
Occupation of the Hambach lignite railroad:

After the most recent, massive attacks by RWE and the police on the brown coal resistance in the Hambach Forest, we went back into the offensive last night. The Hambach railroad is blocked once more, on both tracks.
Action declaration: (english)

Live ticker (up to now only in German):

Continue ReadingAction Advent Calender 2016

Beechtown before going asleep

“Wir sitzen nicht auf Thronen,
uns schmeichelt nur der Wind.
Wir haben dennoch Kronen,
die schöner als eure sind.”
(Erich Kästner, mit Gruß an Michael)

“We are not sitting on thrones,
just the wind is flattering us.
Nevertheless we have crowns,
which are nicer than yours.”
(Erich Kästner, Greetings to Michael)

Continue ReadingBeechtown before going asleep