Anti-Coal Mining Struggle on 3 Continents

“This Sunday and Monday (October 2nd and 3rd) a series of presentations, discussions and workshops took place in Cologne organized by an anti-capitalist alliance bringing activists from struggles in Bangladesh, Columbia and South Africa from regions affected by coal extractions, coal power plants and loading facilities. These communities have utilized multiplicity of tactics and by their persistence, resolve and presence stood in a way, slowed down and even stopped numerous projects. In effect, being living blockades of many of these large projects. Many grassroots of these initiatives, projects and direct action campaigns became a form of front line defense. Here are some of their stories:

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Campaign against the deforestation 2016/ 2017

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The Skill Sharing Camp in the occupations of the Hambach Forest is going on. This camp is the beginning of the campaign against the deforestation 2016/ 2017 which is starting in the days to come.

Some important things to know before:

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Fire at a signal box of the coal railroad

This letter was published a few days ago at indymedia. By publishing it here too, we want to spread this information a bit wider.
(Interesting background information on how the coal railway system works:

On the evening of September 10th, we have started a fire under one of two free-standing large transformers at the interlocking Neurath, located between Neurath and the hamlet Vanikum. For this we used several dozen liters of gasoline. This interlocking is unoccupied, thus there was no threat for humans.
The signal box is indispensable for the operation of the North-South coal track, which connects the open pit Garzweiler with the power plant Niederaußem, the Hambach railway and with the engraving tracks that supply the power plant Neurath with coal. At the signal box the switches and signals are changed and power is fed into the overhead line of the coal tracks.

RWE neither the cops had published anything about it. Probably because they do not want to openly admit the increasing number of actions that might jeopardize the mining operation (which by the way also brought us the idea to commit ourselves in this field in this way) and because they don’t want to give rise to a public debate. Actions such as this one demonstrate the vulnerability of a supposedly invulnerable energy giant. They also show that there are people who are willing to take substantial personal risks to bring an end to this miserable destructive nonsense.

Apparently RWE lacks a public relations strategy that is able to provide an answer to such an action. Let’s go on preventing them to have even one peaceful moment, as long as the excavators stay running.

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