Loading excavators in the coal bunker of the open pit Hambach occupied!
During the night of Friday Dec. 11th to Saturday 12th, 4 activists climb the only 2 loading excavators in the coal bunker at the Hambach mine. Far above they chain themselves with bicycle locks around their necks to the machines & hold banners that read: “There are no jobs on a dead planet”.
Once more, is discussed how this planet could be protected from the threat of climate change – by people who most likely will not live to see the impact and if so, they will be affected as the last, because they are considered to be so important that they will be protected from any harm, if necessary even with thousands of armed people in uniform. But hundreds die already every day, not only from climate change but even more from an economic system, which is considered as civilized and bringing prosperity. Worldwide, more people die each year from hunger than in both world wars together.
And that pretends to be an advanced civilization, worthy of preservation?
The activists show with this action, that it is possible and necessary to intervene directly and to interfere where livelihoods are destroyed. Regardless of rules that were made by selfsame who operate this machinery of destruction. Rules which we have not agreed.