Meadow concert on Saturday Nov. 28th, 2015 (evening)

We received this email:

Dear friends of the Hambach Forest!

This Saturday we want to share a Freebirds27 concert in the Hambach Forest for and with you and at your place.
The wonderful TS Steel from the United States comes along and we share some fellowship and strengthening.
It may be many people that it will attract from outside.
We want to arrive already in the afternoon. Maybe there will be a warming fire. 🙂

We are looking forward to it and you are more than welcome to invite others 🙂

Continue ReadingMeadow concert on Saturday Nov. 28th, 2015 (evening)

Solidarity with the prisoners of the Hambach Forest from Dortmund!

This we found in our mailbox:

From Dortmund we send a sign of solidarity to the prisoners of the Hambach Forest! We agree with the slogan “Prisons are no solution but a part of the problem”. Fan the flames of solidarity in all cities, do not forget the prisoners… until all are free!

Many greetings to

Continue ReadingSolidarity with the prisoners of the Hambach Forest from Dortmund!

Deforestation seasonWinter 2015-2016 – ticker

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New (with the addresses of the prisoners):
Anarchist Black Cross Rhineland

News, the last ones on top

Nov. 23th
Occupation on the Cologne Cathedral
10:00 The people who were arrested in Düren yesterday, now are all free again. They were detained for dumpster diving (!) for almost 24 hours!

8:00 Since this morning there is a new occupation in the grubbing-up area, which is called “Polar Express”.

Nov. 22th

13:00 Since noon today 3 persons are detained at the police station of Düren. They were arrested in Düren, the exact circumstances are still unclear.

Nov. 20th/21th 5 persons arrested! No recognizable reasons

Continue ReadingDeforestation seasonWinter 2015-2016 – ticker