Police and RWE committing theft, assault, property damage (once again)

In the early hours of friday (02.08.13), the repression agents were in the forest once more. Not far from the meadow occupation they took a shower cubicle and destroyed the compost toilet. The attackers quite obviously knew they were doing something wrong – they tried not being seen during these actions. As the meadow squatters realized what’s going on in the forest, the shower was already packed away, and roughly a dozen police surrounded the toilet, aided by a few RWE thugs armed with a dog. It couldn’t be seen what’s going on around the toilet – several vehicles were standing ready some distance away, but the only one getting through was a small tractor, which was used to smash the toilet to pieces. After doing enough damage (and just leaving the remains) they began their retreat, and apparently had a problem with being filmed and photographed on the way to their cars. A member of the occupation was assaulted by a known police officer who has shown violent behaviour in the past (see here) – a camera was snatched from the squatters hand and destroyed by crushing the lens. A small scuffle followed, one person was wrestled to the ground and bound by handcuffs, but the broken camara could be retrieved. The arrested person was told he would be taken to the station for ID processing – the police started looking for his identification only after they have been told to do so several times, their intent was clearly on taking the person with them – after the ID was found they had to release him. After this the police made a hasty and nervous retreat, being fully aware that they were breaking the law repeatedly during this action. The data on the broken camera could be recovered, and we’re reserving our right to publish footage of violent police behaviour.

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Garden Tools for Climate Camp

Soon it’s time, in a few weeks (August 23) the camps in the rhine area will begin. Many people, many colourful workshops, but not enough tools for all the nice things we are planning to do. From pails to big water barrels, hammers, nails, building wood, pickaxes or wheelbarrows, everything is needed!

Take your unused or old tools directly to the camp or to the occupation on the meadow near Morschenich. Below you’ll find a list of tools we need most. It doesn’t matter if parts are damaged or they’re not on the list, we have a use for everything!

Bring it over and support the climate movement in the rhine brown coal area!

Tools we need (among others):

Water Barrels

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Police in Hambach Forest, evicting shower and ropes

On the 12th of July at around noon police removed the shower of the meadow squatters, and two ropes which were put up between trees. Later a concert took place at the spot where the shower used to be.

Armed with heavy equipment the police joined forces with RWE security personnel to accomplish this honorable mission. A bulldozer was used o remove the shower and the walls around it. The ropes, which were put up for practise purposes were removed using a cherrypicker.

“Once again the Düren Police has been played for fools by RWE, they used them to carry out this embarrasing action” says Helene Marck of the meadow occupation, adding: “Considering that the chief of Düren Police, Mr. Spehltahn, is also on the board of directors of RWE, this behaviour is no reason for wonder.”

Around 60 people were attending the acoustic concert of US-based “Blackbird Raum”, which took place on the very spot of the police action, sending a strong message to the organs of repression.

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Poison in Hambach Forst & Morschenich?!

Poisoned meat (with razer blades inside) & 3 dead buzzards have been found by activists near the Hambacher Forst occupation site in the last few weeks.
The poised meat was found on the roadside on the outskirts of Morschenich along a route popular with dog walkers.
The 3 dead buzzards were all found within 100 meters of hunters cabins. One of the buzzards still had meat in its claw suggesting a very quick death, probably by poisoning as there were no visible signs of injury to the bird.
A “TopSec” (Top Security Services) T shirt was found within 10 meter of one of the corpses together with evidences of recent forestry activity.
As yet we have no idea who is doing this but we are keeping a close watch on the area as there has been suspicions activities leitly. Approximately 11 gunshots were heard in close proximity to the camp on the eve of May Day & a large silver 4×4 vehicle (license plate n* BM LJ 500)
has been prowling th area.
Anyone with any informations can contact us on 015737345865 or email: hambacherforst(ät)riseup.net

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