UPIII First letters arrive after 3 months

Request: UPIII presently requesting material on botany, organic gardening and permaculture.

This is 3 months now that our comrade UPIII has been locked up and only now after 3 months did 6 of her letters arrive together after being withheld altogether for over 2 months. (the letters will be published daily for next 6 months) Her mail however continues to be severely delayed and intentionally disrupted by upon reception at prison (1 week) being forwarded to a judge in Kerpen for another week for approval, then sent to persecution in Aachen (taking another week) also for approval and only then send back to the prison, where, yes, it undergoes last final approval taking additional couple of days, with additionally translation taking at least a week at the beginning of this convoluted journey/isolation tactic. Turning a written contact and response period to over 2 months. This has an extreme effect of psychological isolation and detriment as in German jails there is no access to phones on the “inside”, except for occasionally being able to call a lawyer to request a visit.

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Last Sunday a 50th Forest Walk

This Sunday a special forest walk took place in that it was a 50th walk which over 5 years has brought over 5000 people from all around the world to Hambi .  It has bridged the gap between forest activists and supporters, a gap that both coal industry/media interests and authorities are interested in widening through fear and lack of understanding.  This is done by ignoring some of the crucial reasons that are the foundation of Hambach Forest Struggles. Reasons which Michael together with Eva has shared with all those coming to the forest.  Their history of the occupation and the struggle has always been complimented with updates on present situation on energy issues, politics and resistance and the disastrous effect of coal mining on global climate.  For all of that incredible work and support and grass-roots publicity a hearty Thank You goes out from the forest to both Eva and Michael for their never ending energy and solidarity with the forest struggle.


This walk was also unique in that it took place in the almost completely abandoned now town of Mannheim where demolition of house has recently begun. It was important for both visitors and forest activists to be there as a reminder that the scope of the struggle in and for Hambacher forest is also a regional, social and global issue.  The center of this now ghost town for almost 2 hours was full of life with literature tables, an impromptu concert surrounded by signs, flags followed by discussion and several speakers discussing issues relating to the ongoing Bund Struggle against RWE, to the heavily industry influenced Coal Commission.

History of Mannheim itself  was one of the topics. It also included heavy exploitation and logging of part of the forest under National Socialism with heavy use of forced laborers brought from the occupied parts of Europe.  Natzi Forced Labor, to this day refered in germany as slave labor, was paradoxically also fuel for the resistance as tens of thousands of resistors escaped into their surrounding forests to avoid it forming and adding to the guerrila and partisan units.  This is the spirit that still persists in Hambacher Forest with many escaping to the last remaining portion of the forest to be excluded from present day more covert and normalized methods of exploitation and abuse.

The walk went through the town to the fenced off areas where bulldozers have begun their work to remove all traces of Manheim. Then going outside of the town towards the eastern part of the Hambacher Forest.  On a way stop was made at the BUND meadow where North Rhine Westphalia Chapter of German Friends of the Earth is also resisting RWE expropriation of land, ecosystem and resources by having purchased a farm-field which is now located less than a kilometer from edge of the mine.

Walking into the forest was a nice respite from the continuing record breaking temperatures(once again suprise, suprise and “thanks” RWE).  The eastern part of the forest in places  1-2 km wide is full of 200-300 year old oaks, beeches and pines.  Its diversity  is a true reflection of its presence here for last 12 thousands years as most forest in Europe are now monocultures and or highly maintained forest with mostly pines or very low diversity.

The walk split up into several groups after reaching the former A4 which at that end still has not been stripped of its surface.  It was not just an anniversary but also a great way for many groups, individuals and organizations involved in the struggle to come together. So mark your calendar now: next walks is a month from now or just stop by and drop in at any time for a visit to the Meadow and The Forest and most of the time somebody from the Welcome Working Group will be happy to show you around.

See you in the forest!!

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UPIII case a call for Climate Justice and Resistance to Specism

As profit is put above stable and livable planet not just for humans prisoners who resist are never forgotten!


Hambi, Climate Justice and Animal Rights prisoners continue to remain political prisoners  stripped of their freedom and abused to protect the largest CO2 polluter in Europe RWE and other ecologically destructive interest like it.  And for as long this destructive corporation and the politicians, judges and police continue not just to shield RWE but also themselves from the consequence of their actions: for over 8 million premature deaths worldwide from particulates, and millions more dying, and being displaced and affected by global chaos destroying the possibility of stable climate reality for all to come. For as long as this continues while lone individuals such as UPIII continue to be the object of large repressive apparatus employing thousands when need to transition and spark and support more innovation for alternative and decentralized energy sources, to decarbonize and degrowth is so urgent, for as long as this shit goes on it is up to all of us not just to support brave activists such as UPIII and countless others around the world but also to communicate to the arrogant, fat-cats(no insult to actual cats after all All Cats Are Beautiful)that they can attempt to push the planet towards disaster not just on their own and expect very little support from those who are aware of this dynamic but that many others will step into UPIII place, support her and others, and do all possible to resist planetary climate suicide and ecocide so the future generations and disappearing species will never have to whisper into our ears: “…..What have you done?……”





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The Oak Processionary

The Oak Processionary

In the Hambach forest, as in many forests in central Europe, nests of the oak processionary have been found. On the 3rd and 4th of June of this year,
the city of cologne had to discuss this matter. For the last four to five years it has been known that this type of caterpillar is in the area around cologne.

The oak processionary is a moth that lays its eggs in the early autumn. It prefers the tree tops for laying eggs. The caterpillars hatch between
the beginning of April and the beginning of May. They have 6 instars, or phases between which they pupate multiple times. Beginning with the third instar they become covered in toxic bristles. The last pupation happens around the end of June. The oak processionary is commonly found on oaks, in the beginning mostly in the tree tops but during later phases also moves further down the tree. They eat mostly during the night and move around in up to 10 meter long processions which consist of a couple dozen caterpillar. The processions move from branch to branch or to a neighboring tree. During the day, they are mostly found in their nests. The moth has a couple of natural predators but the caterpillar has few due to the toxic bristles. If a human comes into contact with these bristle, there is a health risk as pseudo allergic reactions on the skin or or the respiratory system can occur. Sometimes even dizziness. Fever and tiredness. There is no medication or antidote to the toxin in the bristles but we have had good experience with anti-itch creams.

A survey has been done, mostly in and around the tree house villages. Red and white tape marks affected oaks. If a tree is affected is easily
observed, as the nest (white, shimmery webs) are easy to spot. The effort of removing nest with all means available for us has begun.

We are still happy about visitors and newcomers but we’d like to inform you about the situation, so everyone can form an informed opinion and gauge the risks.

Tips for handling the oak processionary might include:
* DO NOT TOUCH! (nest, webs, caterpillars, cocoon)
* do not burn, stir up or poke (bristles everywhere)
* don’t walk barefoot (or if done, be cautious during the night -> processions
* be careful with skin contact with oaks
* don’t leave textiles in the open -> put in plastic bags (during procession though a tree house they leave bristles on textiles)
* be extremely cautious with infants and animals (like dogs)
* search oaks before climbing up
* after heavy rain, search the tree house for signs of the caterpillars (they seek shelter)
* if a nest is found, speak to people in the forest, who have experience with handling and removing nests
* upon experiencing pain, one can go to a doctor (contact details on request)

With this problem, as it is always the case, external help is welcome and helpful.  As it is the goal to clear all tree house villages of nests and
caterpillars, we need specialized equipment and if any skin contact has happen, we need medication.

Therefore, we are happy about getting the following items
* ABC suits, gloves etc
* Tape
* sealable plastic bins
* vegetable oil
* Fenistil, Cortisone, Calendula cream, herbal remedies against itching

If you know people (i.e. from tree care services) who have experience in removing nests and who want to help us, call us or write an email. (hambacherforst{at}riseup.net or 0049 (0)178 163 7325

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