Soli Fotos for UPIII

This weekend a solidarity foto action for UPIII took place with all the photos below being the result. THANKS EVERYBODY!!

ONE IS TOO MANY!! And when climate, forest and animal rights activists continue to be repressed and locked up and the concept of justice twisted and defaced. Direct action, grass roots and horizontalist action become the last line of defense against climate collapse and deforestation having exhausted all other possibilities. Those detained for those just causes remain our silent heros.

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Info Events in South Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Dates for the hext two weeks

Climate camp Vienna

Mai 30 – June 2


June 4 in the react!OR
Frühlingsstraße 17, 87439 Kempten (Bavaria)

Bremgarten near Zürich

7.6 in the KuZeB, 8 pm
Zürcherstrasse 2, 5620 Bremgarten, Switzerland


June 8, Infoladen Bern, 8 pm
Neubrückstrasse 8, 3001 Bern, Schweiz


June 9, Liz, 8 pm
Glümerstraße 2, 79102 Freiburg im Breisgau

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Saturday 2.6 Photo Solidarity Action for UPIII!

Isolation of UPIII continues with the strange precedent of persecutor and the Public Relations Press person for Political and Organized Crimes for North Rhine Westphalia, not the judge being in charge of approving her visits and consequently greatly delaying or denying large portions of them. Being younger, almost certainly the first time being in prison, she is also exposed to the draconian practice of German Legal Establishment of forcing young refugees and environmental activists who remain anonymous to take part in a pseudo scientific and sexually abusive age test. To determine whether they are of legal age, with this being done even despite of evidence being provided that states the age of the prisoner. Showing that the “age test” is being used as an instrument of punishment, repression and domination.

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Destruction of towns and villages for Garzweiler Mine Continues

Immerath, Kuckum, Keyenberg, Lutzerath are in the process of being destroyed by RWE and joining a list of over 24 villages and towns erased as if they never existed just for the Gartzweiler mine with over 50 more having been demolished in the region.  The local villagers are not consulted or included on any of the resettlement committees that are constantly filled by the outsiders, their schools are not rebuild in the new locations forcing the parents to transport their children to neighboring towns.

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