Reflection and Call for Action Following Skill-Shares Camp

This weekend on Saturday and Sunday another successful Skill-share Camp concluded with full days of workshops and on a lighter note concerts on Saturday and Sunday. Both of the last 2 days also were full of political discourse, DiY, Media workshops and numerous activities such a piercing and tatoo workshops. The Meadow and the Forest filled with circles of groups sitting on the ground, walking through out the forest occupation, learning climbing and many other skills, all of this to a beautiful background sounds of birds serenading, sharing their happiness of first warm and sunny weather of this spring. Birds and other organisms that in a year or two will be deprived of their habitat like many of those living in the forest after the sure to come evictions. Like birds the forest activists continue to build a new and rebuild after the storms of repression and after the waves RWE Social and Climate Chaos. Continuing to expand and rebuild knowing very well that that all our and our animal comrades’ habitats are shrinking and that after 2018-20 cutting season the whole ancient Hambacher Forest will seize to exist. That’s why a call goes out to all who attended the Skill-shares and to others who are not at Hambi that in case of Forest Evictions if you are not able to come and help rebuild and re-occupy please consider doing a banner action in front of your local coal power station if there is one close by or by RWE offices which there should be one, or a German consulate or embassy if you are outside of KohleAusstieg(Coal Exit) Land. Let’s point out the price of Climate and Ecological destruction is not just destroying the Planet and habitats but also communities and cultural and protest spaces such as Hambacher Forest Occupation. That is the true price of Carbon and Coal, so please help us bring that message home and deal with numerous disconnects on which Climate Disaster Capitalism is based.

Saturday also ended on a more playfull twist: a Quiz Show on Radical People’s history with prizes took place. In case you have not been there here are some of the questions that were asked to test your knowledge of our collective past: (with answers on the bottom of this article):
1.What revolution took place in 1918.
2.What happened during Shah’s visit to Berin?
3.Which revolution was named after a flower. With extra point for the year it took place.
4.List 3 ways of blockading a road. With extra point if anybody in the quiz group was arrested for using that method.
5. What tropical plant was the revolution in Bougaville named after with a documentary of that same time.

On Sunday the final “workshop” was a day long session dealing with the realities of cleaning up the theory and praxis aftermath of the skillshares in the Meadow, aka[d1]: “Meadow Clean Up Workshop”.

Selected quiz answers.
1. German Sailors rebell after the end of WWI and form workers councils inspired by the Bolshevik revolution. The revolution was know as November Revolution, Kiel Revolt, or also by their participant name of Red Sailors.
2. During the Shahs visit to Berlin a West German policeman Karl-Heinz Kurras shot the student Benno Ohnesormore sparking the beginning of student radicalization, resulting also in formation of RAF. Interesting sidenote: once STASI archives were opened it turned out that Kurras was a paid East German spy. It is not possible to say if him shooting Benno was an intentional attempt to radicalize the West German student movement, however without doubt the resulting political polarization benefited the East German State greatly, even though most students in the West were inspired more by Maoist example than by the existing models of Socialism in the Eastern Bloc.
3 . Carnation Revolution took place in Portugal on 25 April 1974. Initiated by a non-violent military coup it overthrew the authoritarian regime of the Estado Novo, and was overtaken by civil resistance and protest to the fallen dictatorship. Also known as Revoluo dos Cravos.
4.This is an open list as there is multiplicity of methods, and anything that is effective counts just as it counts whther it was and it is possible to put this theory into practice
5. Coconut Revolution. Named as the Bougaville rebels utilized the plant for food, fiber, oil and even fuel.

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Warm Solidaric Welcome to UP2 and others recently released.

After over two months of being fucked with by the cops UP2 has been released this week.  Your letters and humor was a weapon and response to injustice and force that has inspired many on the outside.  THANKS AND WELCOME on the outside.

The list of activists who have been imprisoned under all types of bogus and trumped up charges reflects the State’s frustration at the ongoing campaign of ecotaging, resisting and blockading the larges single CO₂ emitter in Europe. The list of those behind the walls can only be expected to grow as eviction will take place following the court ruling to continue obliterating the unique habitat of Millenarian Hambach Forest.

Continue ReadingWarm Solidaric Welcome to UP2 and others recently released.

District Government Arnsberg approves deforestation from October on

Not surprising and yet deeply distressing? The district government of Arnsberg approves the main operating plan 2018-2020 and thus the further deforestation of the Hambach Forest from October 2018 on.

Here you can read the press release of the he district government in German:

What does this mean for us? It’s just another proof that jurisdiction has nothing to do with justice. That profit interests prevail over environmental and human rights. And that coal exit remains manual work.

The attempts to criminalise and isolate our protest are more obvious than ever: Never have so many active people been in prison for so little offence. At the same time, they try to describe things as if the violence came from our side, and we were to blame if the police felt compelled to evict the occupations and to destroy the forest because of danger ahead. It is more necessary than ever to counteract this. Let’s start preparing for the upcoming clearing season. It’s time to found local groups, to organise, or to take another semester off, to quit your job or drop out of school, and to plan a deforesting season in the Hambi.

Because for a climate of justice we have to fight ourselves.

Continue ReadingDistrict Government Arnsberg approves deforestation from October on