Skillsharing Camp – Workshop Schedule

This is the Workshop Schedule of our Skillsharing Camp, Spring 2018
Translation in progress.
Daily Program | 03/26 | 03/27 | 03/28 | 03/29 | 03/30 | 03/31 | 04/01 | 04/02 | 04/03 | 04/04 | 04/05 | 04/06 | 07.04. | 04/08 | Spontaneously scheduled events
More detailed descriptions of the workshops you will find here in German (more actual) or here in English

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Weapons of Mass Communication!!!

Confiscated by Düren Cops held for over a year.

There have been 3 police raids on the Meadow Camp in Hambacher Forest over last several years. During those raids the police would enter the location of our support “eco village” camp located on private property with search warrants listing as reasons either searches for weapons or even explosives. The resulting confiscations however focused exclusively on electronic devices, that is the “Weapons of Mass Communication”. Commandeering tools and outlets for press work, documentation, photography of police behavior and brutality and legal documentation. This has been done days before even larger police actions. In effect silencing us electronically and leaving us not able to communicate to the outside world about what was taking place with limited documentation of police antics and no way to present conflicting evidence to the State’s so often trumped up accusations used to imprison our comrades for months without trial. With three of our comrades, Hambi3(#freehambi3), presently in prison.

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Hunters give up – RWE will take on the killing of animals in the area of Hambacher forst !!

WDR interview with the hunters

Hunters have underestimated the animals living in the area. It seems like these have been defending their lives: the structures that were used to shoot them have been repeatedly destroyed.

The destruction of the hunting towers have led to the hunters not being able to continue with their murdering.

Hunters told WDR that they would no longer be practicing their murderous activities in the area of the Hambach forest. Now, RWE takes on the responsibility of killing wild boars, foxes, dears and other animals, after having massacred the bats, mice, squirrels by closing off their living space, and on a larger scale destroyed so much of the forest and the rest of the living beings there.

Hunters were active in this area because they wished to uphold their passion and tradition of hunting, killing and torturing animals.

Another excuse that the hunters use is that the animals destroy the fields, so have to be killed.
Precisely here we can see the structural discriminations against other living beings. This human logic of killing animals to secure their areas of profit is specieist. As human beings, why do we always use the lands, water and nature as if it were only ours and not to share? Shouldn’t other living beings also have the right to live unharmed?

Anyways, the fields will be eradicated by RWE if they succeed with expanding the already humongous coal mine. Moreover, if the Hambach Forest hadn’t been reduced to 8% of its original size, and if the hunters had not manipulated the natural balance of animal life, with natural predators, then we would not have to talk about these problems.

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Invitation to the locals

Invitation to the locals
In the German version of this article, the local people who are curious to know and see, what kind of people are there in the wood, are invited to come and see themselves. So don’t be surprised when you see people in the barrios or the meadow, that you never saw before. Only if they should be dressed all the same way…

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