Weekend Actions Across Europe in Solidarity with Hambi

This Weekend’s Outpouring of Solidarity for Hambi from Across Europe and the World

Rising level of repression and police actions in Hambach Forest, continual lignite mining, temporary hold on logging for this year only by RWE, and rising level of propaganda and police threats to use this „no logging year” to plan to evict over 20 tree-houses and over 11 barrios blocking the largest toxic lignite mine in Western Europe, all of this and of course the record number of nine, now four (one is too many regardless of who they are) of Hambach Forest defenders in prison, all of this has led to:

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Update of Actions

TUESDAY 2 PM Recon of the Forest for the planned trash cleanup of debris left over from evictions and closed roads and highways.
7PM in The Roundhouse: Prisoner letter writing evening to the Hambi4 and projection images and videos from Saturday.

SUNDAY 4/2: Photos of Solidarity from other Occupations, Struggles and individuals continue to pour in.

SATURDAY 3/2: Thousands take part in Demonstrations, Banner Drops, Actions, expressions of Solidarity and Support from across Germany and Europe.

Update Friday 2/2: All five were released without conditions and without giving their personal details. Four Hambis are still in the Ossendorf jail. For the All fiv, the lawyer made a request for release. More on abc. English translation under the german version.

Five of the Hambi9 arter being released:

The reception committee is ready!

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One Planet One Struggle

Appreciation and Reflection on World-Wide Hambi Solidarity Actions

Price of No Coal Exit: as the Planet Burns more people are detained and imprisoned in Hambacher Forest. more ecological, climate, animal rights and indigenous activist are being severely persecuted and killed around the world. Largest scale evictions ever are pending in Hambacher Forest for this spring for its over 20 treehouses and over 11 barrio occupations and activists from around the world resisting Planet killing RWE’s open-cast lignite mining. Channeling public resources amd taxation not for climate solutions and mitigation but for protection of a system corrupt, destructive and oppressive to the core which feeds progressing and vicious circles of climate, ecological, and social instability and collapse.

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Hambi9 – The History at a Glance

Many soldarity photos of the soli action day on 3 February 2018 are available on twitter
Still more and more of them are coming in!!
@hambibleibt and #FreeHambi9

The links below point to posts that have appeared on this blog, in chronological order, so the last are at the bottom. Current status: 4 people are still in custody in Cologne-Ossendorf, because they refuse to give their personal details and because they have exercised their right to demonstrate.

To be continued…

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