Film and information evening in Hamburg on Tuesday, 12/12/2017, 7:00 pm

A similar program will take place on Wednesday, 20.12.2017, from 7:00 pm in Klapperfeld, Frankfurt am Main.

“Protestfrühstück vor der RWE Zentrale in Köln! Wir wollen gemeinsam frühstücken, protestieren und vielleicht was Schönes malen. Die Aktion wird am 13.12 um 10-12 Uhr vor dem RWE-Standort in Köln stattfinden. Stüttgenweg 2 50935 Köln ”

In Leipzig gibts 2 Veranstaltungen:
13.12. 18:30 LinXXnet – Bornaische Straße
Vortrag & Diskussion, aktuelle Lage im Hambacher Forst von Waldbesetzer*innen
danach gemeinsames umziehen ins Liwi zu SoliKüfa & Solitresen
14.12. 19.00 G16 (Gießerstraße) Input zur aktuellen Lage & Entwicklungen
seit Rodungsbeginn 2017
+ Waldmusik von Besetzer*innen aus dem Forst und weitere Acts, Küfa & Tresen
Kommt zahlreich!

Continue ReadingFilm and information evening in Hamburg on Tuesday, 12/12/2017, 7:00 pm

Breakfast at Secu Road barricades Tue. and Wed.!

Join us for breakast at the frontline of defense of Hambacher Forest for barricade breakfast this Tuesday and Wendsday from 8 to 10.  This road has filled up with numerous barricades and melted and dug in asphalt ditches, tripods, the “Beach” and the Strand Bar after the celebration following the hold of cutting 2 weeks ago.  Then it became a contested ground not just physically  but also physiologically with cops calling for taking down of the barricades in exchange for not coming into the forest, this distractionary and divisive tactic was not trusted in the forest.  Now we have been informed that if any rocks fly in the direction  of the cops they will destroy the whole forest by cutting numerous roads into this millenarian habitat.  This is quit a escalation as in exchange for a scratch on their helmets or shields they will destroy one of the last ancient forests in Europe. This narrative redirects attention from  ecological and climate violence perpetuated at the whole Earth, countless species and organism about to lose their habitat and their lives, millions around the world aready suffering the consequences of RWE redirecting the responsibility for its destruction at the people who have been defending it for last 5 years.

This disastrous future which is brought onto the whole Planet by actions of RWE and the NRW police forces assisting is only possible if criminalization and stigmatization of climate justice and direct action continues witout opposition.

Say no to this Bullshit either through Soli Actions or by joining us at the “Secu Road” on Tuesday and Wed. 8 to 10 to de-escalate and resist waves of repression with a one sided narrative of eco-defenders as violent criminals.  You will be able to do that by having coffee and tea with us discussing the issues at hand, climbing onto the tripods and documenting and photographig the disproportionate state repression aparatus that will most likely pop up its ugly head during that time.

Bring Food, cameras and extra SD cards!

See You on the Barricades


Continue ReadingBreakfast at Secu Road barricades Tue. and Wed.!

Secret Agreement between RWE and local municipalities.

It has been revealed by Jürgen Döschner an investigative reporter from WDR  in an expose posted online as an article and an audio report that local municipalities of Mönchengladbach, Erkelenz, Jüchen, Titz have been  co-opted by a lobbying association linked to RWE that has forced those cities to enter into an agreement with the company to secretly notify RWE represetatives when any debates and/or decissions concerning this Climate Killer copany are about to take place.  It can only be presumed that this would give the company time to activate its Revolving Door Option  offering often seen in the region and elsewhere where fossil fuels industry is wrecking the planet chance to join the company after their term as a “representative” is over.

Just another alarm bell for those still walking around in a stuppor that the “expert” decission on whether Hambach Forest is a unique habitat that should be preserved(for this no expert is needed but just one look into any book on unique forests of europe to verify this well know fact) will be a positive one.

Another reminder to keep the support structures going and that the only effective response to capitalist world-view based on corruption and exploitation  is resistance and solidarity.

Hambi Bleibt!

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