Things we are still urgently searching for

Dear people from outside the forest,

The trial on November 21 is getting closer and we are facing an organizational challenge. Of course, as more and more people gather in the forest to defend it, we also have to invest more and more supplies if we should besieged. In addition, we are happy about ready-packed backpacks for spontaneous actions (see below).

In larger quantities we still need:

  • Chocolate (vegan, and palm fat free)
  • Dried fruit
  • Nuts
  • Applesauce (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Oatmeal
  • Corn (canned)
  • Beans (canned)
  • Lentils
  • Canned instant meals (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Energy bars (vegan and palm fat free)
  • Vegan drinks
  • Juice
  • Gas cartridges
  • Water (5 liter packs)
  • Instant glue
  • Razor blades
  • Toilet paper
  • Tomato sauce
  • Lighter
  • Candles
  • Gas cooker
  • Sunflower oil

See also Donations in kind

Backpack packing list for spontaneous occupations:

Sleeping bag, headlamp, vegan energetic food for 2-3 days (muesli bars, chocolate, dried fruit), first aid bag, rescue blanket, tarpaulin, sleeping pad, two thermoses, heat pack (hand warmer)

Possibly: hammock, pastime material (books, magazines etc.)

Furthermore, sometimes we are looking for someone who can bring with a car about 700 kilos of food from Freiburg im Breisgau to the forest. Please call +49178/1637325). That’s the number of the forest phone, because most things are for the tree houses.
If you can still get some stuff foro us, we would be happy to get them until 11/19.
To all those, who support us with donations and food during this clear-cutting season: Thank you so very much.
By the way, you can give money too:

IBAN DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06
Reference Winter 2018

Or virtuel money to our Bitcoin account:


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Nature Rights Tribunal convenes in Bonn and hear

Rights of Nature is more than legalistic extension of human “rights”, unto ecosystems and non-human species, its more than granting legal status and personhood to rivers and ecosystem(as was the case with Ganges river in India and a protected area in New Zeland). It is granting full equality and respect for indigenous communities and all their treaties and agreements, it is also a perception of Earth itsel as a living female entity that deserves full protection from exploitation and violence.
Those were the underlying principles behind Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn, taking place in the LVR Landesmuseum on the 7th and 8th of November 2017 attempting to recognize the rights of ecosystems to exist and the duty of humanity to respect the integrity of their life cycles.
For the two days the testimonies and presentation included representatives of indigenous, grass roots and radical resistance groups on the front lines of ecological destruction. Those were:

1st Session

First Case: Climate Change and False Energy Solutions

  • Fracking, Coal and Nuclear
  • Consolidation of the fossil fuel industry in North America

Second Case

  • Financialization of Nature and REDD+

Third Case

  • Lignite Mining: Hambach Forest

    2nd Session

    Defenders of Mother Earth

    • Indigenous Violations at Standing Rock, USA
    • Indigenous Violations in Russia
    • Indigenous Violations of Sami People, Sápmi (Scandinavia)

    Fifth Case

    • Water Deprivation in Almeria, Spain

    Sixth Case

    Amazon Threats

    • Ecuador’s Amazon and Sarayaku
    • The Amazon in Brazil
    • Tipnis Highway in Bolivia
    • Montagne d’Or in French Guyana

    Seventh Case

      International Trade Agreements: Implications on Nature

    The tribunal is legally non-binding, paradoxically offering a relatively free space from special interest group interference and disinformation at the same time reminding those present the importance of diversity of tactics, local forms of resistance and necessity to support indigenous communities under attack.

    In closing the importance of maintaining biodiversity thresholds was discussed, thresholds below which continuing extinction will remove the functionality of the ecosystem as the whole causing its complete collapse as is presently the case with the largest ecosystem on the planet the Earth’s oceans.

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Call for Support and Solidarity for the Cutting Season and in case of Eviction

This cutting season as one of the large segments of the Hambach is about to be destroyed more people than ever are needed in the forest this winter. It does not matter for how long you can stop by as all force multipliers are welcome: bring warm sleeping bag, tent if possible and warm clothing and rain gear.

In case of the eviction please organize solidarity demos and actions in front of RWE locations and in front of German consulates and embassies. Prepare tools, supplies and materials that could be used to reocupy and if you are closer consider sharing your space for emergency overnight space for those that are evicted and coming out of jail, where soli demos and manwache would be necessary as well.  Large police presence might last for at least days so consider documenting and reportin state violence and doing legal support.

Most of all please remember that being able to save or not to save the Forest is a bullsh*t argument as the purposes of all resistance comprise of:(but is not limited to) Costing those destroying  the Planet  as much as possible; Creating a PR nightmare for them, creating a space where those who share some of the same goals and principles can come together and connecting to and supporting other movement in a larger global web of resistance, in the process aplifying the necessity of resistance.

The struggle in the Hambach Forest during the last 5 years has more than achieved those goals, continues to do so and will do so for a long time  after waves of repression wash over the Forest and many other global justice struggles.

Solidarity is our Weapon, taking care of each other so we can be dangerous together…..

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Over 4000 storm and stop Hambach Mine during Ende Gelande Action


This Sunday Nov. over 4000 Ende Gelaende climate justice activists stormed and shut down the largest open-cast lignite (brown coal) mine in Western Europe. This action coincided with Conference of Polluters COP23 kicking off its carbon trading, false solutions and green capitalism business as usual responses to fossil fools industry making the Planet uninhabitable for countless species and communities. The Coal phase out in Germany is decades away while the ancient, millenarian Forest of Hambach, occupied for the last 5 years with currently over 20 treehouses, continues to be decimated every winter, while the mines of North Rhine Westphalia continue to push the Planet past the point of no return with the largest net CO2 emissions in Europe, and continue to poison Earth’s oceans with mercury.

For many Hambacher Forest Defenders resisting in the forest year round the thousands who came for the action were a welcomed force multiplier. As many from the forest joined in white hazmat suits and masks the cops tried to block the marches of several fingers under a railroad bridge taking straw sacks away and spilling their content on large piles, only to have vans throw additional bags into the march on the other side of the bridge, where the Red Finger split off and headed to the western part of the mine as Green, Gold and Orange walked en masse towards the coal ghost town of Manheim and to the eastern entrance to the mine. Once there, over 3000 activists scaled down a steep incline and, after playing cat and mouse with about 60 cops trying to cut them off, climbed under a conveyor belt into the mine, leaving cops on the other side. The thousands poured towards the closest giant digger, that was surrounded by a line of hundreds of cops and an additional line of pickup trucks with mine workers and behind cops on horses and dogs. With the massive funds involved in this repression action RWE, now engaged in a massive green f*ck campaign, could have bought several wind turbines, except it was of course the State doing its best to subsidize climate criminals and finance global disaster and climate chaos reality of collapse and militarized repression.
As the Gold and Green fingers stopped before this line enforced by temporary fencing an autonomous finger formed and went down deeper into the mine to occupy the lowest digger accessing the lignite layer. They were able to climb onto it before additional cops in heavy riot gear managed to catch up with them. Meanwhile, the large group above formed a huge circle around the line of cops so the second line of cops forming behind them could not easily crowd them in and had to spread their lines thin. After two hours of blocking the digger and singing, this group was attacked by cops on horses, after lines of cops pepper spraying as many people as possible, as a rainstorm hit the mine with winds picking up dust clouds. The action consensus of staying anonymous was maintained as cops penned people in and photographed faces, large percentage of which was covered with paint and patterns for that particular occasion. During that time, the Red finger also penetrated the mine and tied up more cops but due to difficult terrain exited the mine, squatted a farm field and set up a base camp with kitchen, fires and music.
Most people were processed on site, two comrades however were detained overnight but after a solidarity demo of over 40 in front of the court building they were released. Over the next couple days in Bonn, the Ende Gelände Day Camp on the Rhine concluded with reflection plenary and then with sung testimonies of comrades from the Standing Rock Resistance as workshops, presentations and plenaries continued through out the city as part of the People’s Climate Summit bringing indigenous and grass roots struggles from the global front lines of climate justice movement.

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