Hambi in Solidarity with Occupied Fish Farms Actions

First Nations groups from the Namgis and Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw have occupied two Norwegian-owned Marine Harvest fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago for more than three weeks. The occupation escalated quickly from tents to makeshift, weather-resistant houses on the farms. The occupying groups say they will stay until the facilities are shut down.

Hereditary chiefs, supported by family and friends, have been especially vocal about the fish farms they say are illegally placed on their territories without their consent. Members of the Namgis First Nation have opposed the Marine Harvest Swanson Island farm since it was first built 31 years ago.

Community members say that many of the fish farms were built along the traditional migratory route of the wild salmon on the east coast of Vancouver Island where the ocean water is rich in nutrients. But they also say that the rightful chiefs never signed off on the farms and that the fish farm industry has operated without the consent of those most affected by their presence.

Salmon protectors, or fish farm protesters, criticize the farm’s practices, saying that farming Atlantic salmon in West Coast waters breeds disease, affecting other wild fish and animal populations.


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Solidarity with Bure Struggle under repression

Last week our Comrades in Bure France who are resisting against a planned radiation storage facility by Andra were raided by aproximately 80 gandarmes who broke through the doors of House of Resistance. The pigs who also closed off the surrounding roads and broke windows of the cars and vans parked in the vicinity have seized the usuall loot of weapons of mass communications in the forms of computers and phones. They were able to compromise the encrypted drives and are now thretening charges to the people who can be linked to the electronic content. This is yet another example of how the state engages in ever increasing sureilance and repression dinamic that is so crucial to functioning of the viscious loop of exctractionism and disaster capitalism. Facing such massive resources used not for addressing social and ecological issues but for imposing the state of planetary ecological disintergration it is that which is being targeted and destroyed that becomes our biggest and most powerfull weapon. That is the communities we form and which are aready part off, solidarity, mutual support and song and rhytm.

Comrades at Bure, You are not alone in your fight, remember that Hambi zone of occupation is also your home where you can share your songs and music of the resistance and even at the distance you are still connected with and inspire many struggles worldwide such as the anticoal struggle in Hambacher Forest.


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Skillshares Camp in Progress

This year’s Fall Skillshare Camp has been filled with numerous workshops on the diverse subjects ranging from anarcho feminist theory and practice to multiple direct action skills and strategies. Like always it has offered all those resisting capitalist exploitation of the planet and numerous communities a chance to come together and connect, share and ispire each other.

Yesterday for example concluded with a spoken word session dealing with topics from alienation and resistance to musical concert with many of the works being about the Hambacher Forest struggle itself.

Additional 3 days of the Skillshare camp remain so pack a backpack and hit your closest highway on-ramp and put a thumb up in the direction of Hambi…now or during the whole cutting season as the occupation with its constant climbing workshops and sharing of knowlege could be considered one extended skillshare camp.

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„Tripod“ Live-In Barricade Repression Resistance Action

On September 19th at 8 o’clock in the morning approx 100 cops entered the millenarian Hambacher Forest, occupied for last six years blocking the expansion of RWE’s open cast lignite mine, to remove the “The Tripod”, a live-in barricade. The official state line was that it was to keep the roads open for emergency vehicles in case of accident occurring in the forest. The emergency vehicles are the harvesters, bulldozers and loaders of this years cutting season which will begin on Oct. 25 and the “accident” is the global climate chaos, millions of premature deaths a year, and irreplaceable habitat loss to which Hambacher (cynically named after the forest its destroying) Mine: single largest net CO2 emitter in Europe, is not an innocent bystander to but rather a culprit extending its effect through emission and pollutants and through RWE Global Power Conglomerate machine impacting and destroying communities and ecosystem from Colombia, England and Germany to Siberia.
When the police entered the forest they at first surrounded the Tripod to prevent supporters joining in the two blockaders, one of whom was locked on the ground to a concrete lock-on and the second who was in the top of the tripod which in its mid level included a platform with a tent. Through walkway from a neighbouring tree additional person was still able to join those on the inside. For the next 5 hours the cops massed up around the barricade as large bulldozers removed the barricades leading into the heart of the forest(each year a 500 meter swath which is cut to enlarge the mine) followed by back loaders loading the scrap metal and tarps which comprises left over material from the ocupation and performing a function of trash removal for the struggle. The barricade clearing was also immediately followed by peeps emerging from the forest and rebuilding the barricades behind the heavy equipment often with cops still in sight. During this time the forest resonated with animal calls and music from the approx. 40 forest defenders. As forest roads turned into parking lots for long lines of forces of repression paint and bottles of bitumen were thrown at the police vehicles. Pigs responded with snatch attacks at the people singing and playing drums in solidarity around the Tripod. All together 5 people were grabbed and later released.

By 1 oclock cops begun to cut the barbed wire connecting the wood stocked around the ground level of the Tripod and got to the forest activist locked on under the table of Tripod’s kitchen. For over 2 hours they went at it with their power tools. And as concrete cutting tools echoed in the forest, climbing cops started to get on to the tree with the walkway ropes attempting to cut the lines and cut off the activist who descended into the tripod and was doing support to the people inside. Lower branches were being cut off and ladders attached to the tree giving enough time to make it back across and into the crown of the tree where the two climbing cops followed. Holding out for over an hour in the thin top branches the two climbing cops a meter and a half below attempted to convince the climber that they were just concerned with the person safety and that the activist needed to be removed before proceeding to the tripod. Eventually they gave up and descended from the tree to the tripod where for over an hour they tugged, pulled and then stepped on the tripod defender and later had a hard time removing him as he lay limp in the fork of the tripod. Once on the ground popo attempted to use pain compliance bullshit to try to get him to walk but that did not work either and he was dragged and then carried to the cop car.
Overall this has been one of the longest road barricade evictions with over 9 hours of struggle and when the cops left the forest the barricade building and food sharing resumed in full.

This year especially is an important time for the Defense of the Hambacher Forest as the new wave of deforestation is about to ensue during this winters cutting season and as another Direct Action Skillshare Camp will take place in the forest from Semptember 25th to Oct1. October 1st would have been the official start of this years cutting season which has just been postponed to October 25 as RWE is forced to appear in Administrative Court in Cologne on October 17 by a law suit initiated by Bund fur Natur as a response to the company’s lack of enviromental assesment studies, its lack of studies of costs of post extraction clean up and last but definitevely not least: two colonies of endangered bats being discovered in this year’s cutting zone. In November COPP summit will also take place in Bonn which is in the middle of North Rhine Westfalia coal region. That in itself is not an accident as the coal industry is heavily coopting the negotiations and framing coal as a transition energy source. Next COPP is also scheduled to take place in Katowice, Poland the centre of the Silesian Coal Mining Region.

Climate Justice Struggle in Hambacher Forest and in countless other locations around the world is a response to the Neo-Liberal Extractionist Agenda of Disaster Capitalism and a call to preserve every community every organism being paramount to protecting Planet as a whole.

Join US!!

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