A compensation of 1 million for all 8,000 RWE employees …


We received this e-mail:

„… and then in two years: the end of the Rhenish lignite mining.

1,000,000 compensation per employee × 8,000 employees = 8,000,000 × 1,000 = 8,000,000,000 = 8 billion euros compensation for all 8,000 employees in total = profit of RWE Power AG from the lignite in the next 2 years.

The profit from the lignite in the amount of EUR 8 billion required for this measure is still below the profit of EUR 8.5798 billion (= EUR 4.2899 billion x 2 years), which RWE actually is going to achieve in the next 2 years from the lignite. See our previous article: 116 billion € profit from the lignite ….

In no case in North Rhine-Westphalia “the lights will go out” go out after these 2 years! According to the latest figures published by the Energy Agency of the state of NRW, 178.8 Terrawatt hours of electricity are generated per year in NRW, but only 138.8 Terrawatt hours per year are consumed, corresponding to an overproduction of electricity in NRW in the amount of 40.0 Terrawatt hours per year. From the Hambach lignite estimated approximately 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity per year, from the Garzweiler lignite roughly estimated perhaps 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity. Possible flanking measures: No export of lignite electricity to France and the Netherlands nor even to outside NRW.

The electricity generated from the Hambach lignite of 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity was calculated quite complexly from RWE Power AG’s application for the approval of the 3rd framework plan for Hambach, as this information was missing in this application.

The reduction of 1,500 jobs announced today by RWE in the next 2 years corresponds to only 18.75% of the possible reduction of 8,000 jobs in the next two years against a compensation of one million euros per employee.
Sept 14, 2017

Kurt Claßen

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Deep Ecology Afternoon in Gallien, Saturday 2PM

Join us for a meal and get involved in liberating small samplings of beeches, oaks, maples and aspens from the frontline where this winter again we can expect hundreds of riots cops and RWE harvesters and bulldozers attempting to make sure that biodiversity that survived for over last 12,000 years will be eliminated. Trees are a keystone species on which countless other organisms depend so this action gives a chance for some of this biodiversity to be preserved. Started this spring tens of trees from Hambi have been planted at public, collective and individual spaces all across Europe. These trees are a silent testimonial to the extinction of the Hambacher Forest habitats and with small info boards informing of where they have come from they patiently await for their seeds to grow through the cracks of concrete and asphalt that surround them at the moment.

During this Deep Ecology Get Together aditional bird habitats will also be made out of zero waste items such as mid size containers. There will also be discussion of species and biodiversity present in the Hambacher Forest followed by Hambacher Forest Tshirt printing. Join us and tell your friends.

The additional items that could be of use that you could contribute to this project would be small buckets, shovels, and large hiking boots and rubber boots as well as large cooking oil containers and small beer cegs for the bird habitats. Feel free to also bring extra shirts, jackets on which you will be able to print some cool Hambi art.

This is also an ongoing project so if you can not make it tomorrow but are still interested in participating in propagating some of endangered trees and even seeds please get in touch with fnord.andromeda at riseup.net.

Continue ReadingDeep Ecology Afternoon in Gallien, Saturday 2PM

116 billion € profit from the lignite …

We received the e-mail below.
Let’s remember: On 1 December 2015, RWE announced that it would reorganize the Group. It was foreseeable that electricity generation from coal would end. So it was bundled in its own business area: RWE Power AG.
When we compare the parent company, the RWE Group, to a farmer, RWE Power AG is a dairy cow which once gave a lot of milk and is now to be vigorously milked till it drops down dead. Then others may care of the disposal of the emaciated carcass: The workers who lose their jobs without sufficient replacement in time, the villages “on the rim”, with a poisonous dust hole in front of their noses (where its too steep embankments in an area endangered by earthquakes and increasing sudden rainfall form a problem for themselves), thousands of resettled in their soulless new villages, the taxpayers, the world climate and so on.

Please read in this post, how this milking to death works:

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Court Suit against RWE postpons beginning of cutting season to October 25th

A suit filed in the Cologne Administrative court by BUND NRW, a local chapter of Friends of the Earth, has resulted in RWE postponing its planned begining of the cutting season from October 1st to October 25th. This court case addresses the lack of environmental assesments, disregard of Flora and Fauna directives and brings attention to two colonies of endangered Bechstein’s bat that are located in the area of the Hambach Forest that is to be cut this winter. These two habitats contain 30-35 females each and are brooding places for their young as well. The suit also addresses the endangered biodiversity of the oak and beach stands that are to be cut and which have stood there since the end of the last ice age 12,000 years ago and represent one of the last natural outposts of this type in the region.

A court hearing concerning the legal aspects of the future of the forest will take place in Cologne on October 17 Verwaltungs-Gericht (Administrative Court) in Cologne, Hall 160 at 10:30 clock. Make a note in your calendar if you are in the area.

Another area in which you could assist even remotely in blocking RWE with its plans to destroy the forest is by contacting as many naturalists, botanists, entomologists, ornithologists, etc at your local university, environmental or naturalist group and directing their attention to the struggle to save the Hambacher Forest. A parallel effort of this type has taken place in the ZAD the Notre Dame and in Bialowieza forest making them some of the most studied and documented natural areas in Europe. Hambach Forest is in the desperate need of similar grass-roots, non institutional studies to be used as an expanded activist tool set together with direct actions. Both approaches do not require professionalism or any academic training but interest and motivation only.

More info on the suit can be found on BUNDS website at

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