A compensation of 1 million for all 8,000 RWE employees …
We received this e-mail:
„… and then in two years: the end of the Rhenish lignite mining.
1,000,000 compensation per employee × 8,000 employees = 8,000,000 × 1,000 = 8,000,000,000 = 8 billion euros compensation for all 8,000 employees in total = profit of RWE Power AG from the lignite in the next 2 years.
The profit from the lignite in the amount of EUR 8 billion required for this measure is still below the profit of EUR 8.5798 billion (= EUR 4.2899 billion x 2 years), which RWE actually is going to achieve in the next 2 years from the lignite. See our previous article: 116 billion € profit from the lignite ….
In no case in North Rhine-Westphalia “the lights will go out” go out after these 2 years! According to the latest figures published by the Energy Agency of the state of NRW, 178.8 Terrawatt hours of electricity are generated per year in NRW, but only 138.8 Terrawatt hours per year are consumed, corresponding to an overproduction of electricity in NRW in the amount of 40.0 Terrawatt hours per year. From the Hambach lignite estimated approximately 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity per year, from the Garzweiler lignite roughly estimated perhaps 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity. Possible flanking measures: No export of lignite electricity to France and the Netherlands nor even to outside NRW.
The electricity generated from the Hambach lignite of 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity was calculated quite complexly from RWE Power AG’s application for the approval of the 3rd framework plan for Hambach, as this information was missing in this application.
The reduction of 1,500 jobs announced today by RWE in the next 2 years corresponds to only 18.75% of the possible reduction of 8,000 jobs in the next two years against a compensation of one million euros per employee.
Sept 14, 2017Kurt Claßen