Hambacher Forest Erotic Calendar Project

All donations, with the exception of perhaps of those from corporate sponsors, are appreciated. So in order to support the brown coal resistance further, we have considered a new project: Next year the first Hambacher Forest Activist Erotic Calendar will be released! A calendar for the year 2018 with erotic images of people from the brown coal resistance. The goal is to: on the one hand, to address people aesthetically in a body-positive context and on the other hand, not to reproduce sexist, heteronormative or cisnormative norms, animal masks have also been suggested to add a biocentric and less specist element to the calendar. We also want to show a new side of the brown coal resistance in Hambacher Forst. Information about pre-orders will appear on this blog in time.

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Results of Remi’s Tower Eviction Re-Trial

This week a re-trial took place in Cologne concerning an eviction of Remi’s Tower barricade during the Cultural Fest in 2015. That eviction resulted in a 3 month imprisoment, 23 day hunger strike and Jus being put under constant suicide watch(basically being awoken every half an hour, through out the nights, to see if he was still alive) for the duration of not accepting food. The police action that led to that has been also symbolic of large repressive actions against single structures like living barricades and compost toilets involving hundreds of cops. These periodic shows of force have taken place over many larger events like Shillshares Camp in the forest. That has not happened on the previous 2 skillshares as they have been planned at the last moment to make planning a large repressive operations more difficult. This upcoming Skillshare Camp _has been_ announced with lots of advanced notice so time will show if another large and expensive action will take place protecting Global Eco-Terrorist RWE and trying to demoralize those who come together to dare, dream and do resist it.

This trial itself was an appeal of an earlier rulling that has levied assault charges as a result of a bulldozer window being cracked and the operator of the machine claiming that he was injured by twisting his head to the side with no medical diagnosis filed or medications taken to back up this claim. This has been a part of an ongoing pattern where many activists have been seriously injured by the secus and then counter accused of having attacked and injured them(with no injuries on their part that are documented) to redirect the public attention from the destructive and violent nature of both RWE’s and Police actions agains Hambacher Forest.
Greater Good otherwise called Necessity Defense, which allows for lesser laws to be broken to prevent a larger crime from happening, was used pointing out to World Health Organizations 2015 Study Raising the number of deaths resulting from airborne pollution asociated with fossil fuels from just over a million to seven million a year. The witnesses testifying against the defendant were asked whether they are aware of this, resulting in the judge at first alowing this question to be asked and then requesting that it be not asked anymore. Also the court has refused to alow an expert to testify on the validity of this study which was ironic as the World Health Organization is made up of the top experts in all fields of Western Medicine and all of its studies are peer reviewed and accepted by the medical community including medical forensic experts. The “authorities” that could perphaps testify to the validity and bias of this study would perhaps be people like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein or Vandana Shiva who could say a word or two about how WHO is full of of experts with Pharma connections and its studdies have allways been biased towards the Petro-Chemical industry, and hence even the 7 million death a year is once again a conservative estimate towards which they have been forced by new particulate detection and effects data. The courts of NRW(NotRWe?) are not likely to listen to either as they are more inklined to accept a self diagnosis from individuals responsible for this situation without having to offer a medical documentation of any sort.
In other words you can detain individuals for several months and put them under abusive observation without any medical proof of their actions One however can not miss a day of work without a doctors note. Prematurely shortened lives of millions also become an externality that is not part of the bussines/court equation and shall not be discussed in polite company.

The outcome of the trial however was that the a fine of 1500 euros has been imposed for the cracked front windscreen of the bulldozer. However the charge of assault has been reduced to attempted assault, and the draconian 3 year probation reduced to probation to the moment of trial.

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Letter From Debbie Vincent

Dear Defenders of Nature 🙂

Your actions against the destroyers of Hambach Forest are an inspiration. I know it has been a hard struggle over the cold winter. I send you love, respect and solidarity from within the walls of prison. Though they incarcarate my body, my heart, mind and soul will always be free.

Being in prison has not dampened my resolve to continue to challange injustices, wrong-doings, wanton destruction of all life and all forms of opression.

I am proud to know wonderful, good people, who are out there trying to make a difference.

What is scary in this world is oppression and injustice, when people hurt people, animals and nature. What is beautiful in this world is resistance, when good people say enough is enough and act. Oppression and injustice are everywhere, but so is resistance. Because some people know that if you fight you may loose, but if you do not fight, you have aready lost.

Activism is the immune system for society ills. Helping to fight the diseases of capitalism: greed, violence, oppression and indifference. We are all part of nature and we must continue to act against the destructive madness, in however small a way, to try to create a better world for all.

I only have 3 weeks left in prison. On the 13th of April, I will be send to a probation hostel, where I will be for 1-6 months. Along with draconian license conditions to stop me from campaigning until 2020. I will continue to challenge what I can and resist.

Skillsharing FlyerAll the friendship, love, support and solidarity I have received over the past 3 years of my incarceration from compasionate, free-thinking individuals from around the world has been awesome and humbling, and very much appreciated – thank you! 🙂

Thank You to all those from ABC Rhineland and Clima Camp for their solidarity and support postcard @ www.war-starts-here-camp.org.

Sending you all hope and strength, as well as sunshine to brighten your days and smiles to warm your hearts.

You all stay safe.

Lots of love, rage, respect, total liberation, hope and strength and purple vegan hugs of solidarity!

Xvx Debie xx

On May 17th, 2014, Debbie was sentenced to 6 years in prison for campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences, Europe’s largest animal testing
laboratory. For about a week from this posting you can still send letters to Debbie Vincent, AJ81DE, E1-13, HMP Send, UK. You can also post comments and we can forward them. It is important to support prisoners after their release as readjustment and decompression can be just as hard if not worse then imprisoment and the mental scars of repression do not disapear overnight.

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Noise Demo and Concert for Detained Compas 28.03

After two compas were arrested in Aachen last week, there will be a concert in front of JVA Ossendorf next Tuesday (March 28th) at 6 pm. Klaus der Geiger will be playing. If you want to be an active part of the concert yourself, bring your instruments or just come and make noise.

Meeting point is 6 pm Tram stop Rektor-Klein-Straße

Until the are free a phrase: “Give us the Finn or we’ll burn down the jail!!” will ring out !!! ***

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