The meadow uses bicycles, which were donated by supporters. Defective wheels are repaired here and are then available to the general public. As you can read here, we lost yesterday four of these for us very important bikes. If you should have old but still usable bicycles that you can imagine you could donate us, it would be cool if you could drop them off in our camp. Thanks a lot!
Other things that we can make good use of, would be:
- More bicycle lights for repairing bicycles
- chain tool (a bicycle tool)
- sawdust (for the compost toilets)
- woolen socks / thick socks (it is already very cold at night)
- kidney beans / quinoa (“millet of the Andes”) / lentils / chickpeas / oats (proteins for vegan diet)
- batteries (AA and AAA), rechargeable preferred
- battery-operated lamps / headlights
- long burning candles
Furthermore, support for the water procurement (also by car) is always welcome.
We are very grateful for all the support that we have received here for more than 3 years now. Thanks a lot!