Internal training event on sustainable activism on 03 – 13 July
In the beginning of July there’s going to be an internal training on the meadow. Internal is supposed to say, that the GruBiT is not directed at the general public, but at Hambi activists, “Hambi veterans” and regular (or former) supporters. It’s going to be similar to a skillsharing camp with a central topic, which is “sustainable activism” in a broader sense – that is, strategies that help to become stay active and effective for longer times. We’re calling the event “GruBiT”; that’s an abbreviation of the german name “Gruppen-Bildungs-Treffen”, which can be translated as “group-buildung-meeting” or “group-education-meeting”.
You are or know “internal people”?
Then please ask for the invitation-email and the concept. Just send a mail with “GruBiT” in the subject to:
If you have contact data of people, who haven’t been around for a while, it would be especially great to get them informed – probably they are the ones that will be the most difficult for us to get informed.
Please QUICKLY notify us, whether you’re going to come!