Crappy Justice

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The trial concerning the eviction of a compost toilet at Skillshares in 2014 took place in Duren last Tuesday. It concerned locking on to pieces of machinery which slowed down for couple hours the advancing line of riot cops and a front loader heading to destroy the forest latrine of the Meadow Camp. There was a very good turn out with 50 supporters which was too many for the room, with people sitting on the floor. The atmosphere was very close knit with people cuddling. So much time has elapsed since these events that witnesses could not remember the events and some stated that the activists came from the right some saying that they came from the left, one recalling that the face and details of defendant could not be seen while the other said he definitively had red hair [the defendant was not masked during the action and has brown hair]. The persecutor was so unexperienced that the trial had to be periodically paused to call another persecutor to get advice on how to proceed. With interests of the State being so intertwined with that of RWE one could not help wonder who that other persecutor on the other end of the line might have been. The police could not also clearly answer how they identified the defendant and if the person in the courtroom was the same person but were only sure that they did arrest him. In the end no charges were filed but a sentence of 50 hours of community service was given anyway. The judge refused for these 50 hours to be served at the WAA or BUND fur Umwelt Naturschutz(German offshoot of Friends of the Earth) and instead ordered the time to be served at a Food Bank in Duren.

After the destruction of the compost toilet over two years ago more people have been using buckets which have become an object of fear on the part of the secus and toilets have been build high up in the trees.

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