UP III Severly isolated from outside with visits and mail rejected

UP III has been imprisoned for two months now on circumstantial evidence, the defense not being access to their files to be able to organize defense and call witnesses. Despite first visits being applied for a day after prisoner’s arrest no visits were considered till after 7 weeks of detention.  What makes this case particularly troubling is that unlike many German speaking prisoners from Hambi who were detained numerous times under similar charges and for equal time and who did not have mail being delayed or controlled and in some cases were able to receive a massive amount of support mail within days. UPIII, like Jus who was english speaking, like UP2(Spanish) and UP4(French) has had her mail completely blocked and in over two month has received only two letters. 
This is not only a really troubling precedent of isolating further prisoners who are already linguistically isolated by not being able to communicate with many prisoners and prison guards around them are held in solitary cells and the isolated even further by cutting off that much more important mode of psychological support and wellbeing for them of being able to maintain contact with their family and friends in their home regions and in their native languages.  This treatment also bring a troubling element of xenophobia and nationalism in the legal system already so biased towards protecting fossil fuels extractionist interest of RWE’s coal mining that regularly detains Hambi activists after they are severly and seriously injured by RWE security during passive blockading, on one occasion hit and injured by a truck impacting at high speed and who were then detained under charges of assault with no medical record of injuries or reliable witnesses to prove their accusations.  The case of Climate and Ecological injustice continues with UPIII in prisons under these conditions for barricade eviction of 3.19 during which police claimed they were attacked with pyrotechnics when present media and supporters have stated that only firecrackers were set off and not even very close to the police officers.

The case of UPIII calls for additional support and attention as many of her visits continue to be refused and she is asked to cover the costs of translation for her own surveillance during those impossible to get visits with the prison authorities even having been blocking appointment of required translator and hence the visits stating that they are not sure which translator to get since UPIII was remaining anonymous despite the fact the prisoner is communicating in English only,was requesting translator in english and has a large volume of mail blocked and detained also in that language.

Therefore join all those opposed and resisting continuation of this Climate Injustice perpetuated on the rest of the world and especially global south by continuing lignite and coal extraction in Rhineland, Saxony and Brandenburg states which are presently not just blocking any possibility of German Climate Justice Coal Exit solutions but are also imposing heightened state of repression and arbitrary injustice and imprisonment of which UPIII remains unwilling recipient of. Despite or rather especially because UPIII is just a single #Hambi prisoner at the moment please continue to support her through Solidarity Actions, letter writing with the continuing demand that her mail not be blocked and is delivered to the awaiting prisoner.

For grassroots and community supporters a call goes out to bring the attention of UPIII case to organizations focusing on prisoners rights, policy and supervision.  This also to point out how many of these organization function as political instruments to point out human rights abuses in countries not aligned with the global north and have a tendency to ignore those same abuses and injustices when they occur closer to their headquarters and seats of power.  Their inaction to this point in extending the protection to animal rights activists, climate justice and ecological direct action activists also creates a record of their complicity and inaction as a response to the biggest emergency this planet has ever faced and the corresponding human,and the grandest animal, nature and ecosystem crime of destruction and decimation that continues with “business as usual” of fossil fuel industry destabilizing the planetary climate and taking the whole Earth past numerous point of no return.  As long as people like UPIII who have a courage to stand up, practically alone to this dynamic are being unjustly imprisoned, isolated and treated like terrorists the Climate Crisis will only continue to grow worse. With their ranks of Hambi UP’s(over 20 now) steadily growing to be soon joined by millions and billions more around the world being imprisoned by unprecedented heat waves, food and resource instability and the waves of repression and industry co-opted solutions that unfold hand in hand. Her situation and the general state of the planet is one of the last wake up and mobilizations calls for action, solidarity and support.

So yeah, please do not hesitate to share UPIII’s situation with the following organizations for as long as they remain silent they are just as complicit enforcing reality of Global Climate Chaos injustice as much as RWE with its lignite open cast coal mining does working in tandem with government of North Rhine Westphalia, its Police and Court systems with numerous open and publicized coal industry biases and connections.  That is also one thing appeals to organizations, NGOs and petitions are really good for in that if you convictions are strong enough it is natural progression to direct action having proven as having exhausted all legalistic and reformist options.

Human Rights Watch
Neue Promenade 5
10178 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49-30-259306-10
Fax: +49-30-259306-29
Contact Berlin Office

The Marshall Project
156 West 56th Street, Suite 701
New York, NY 10019

Council of Europe, Avenue de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France – Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00

Institute for Criminal Policy Research
School of Law, Birkbeck,
University of London
42 Store St
London WC1E 7DB

Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
London WC1X 0DW
United Kingdom

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