As forest communities one after another have been demolished, new tree houses and occupations and their extended defenses have been popping up like mushrooms after the rain: Fendria, Ghostown and Paragraph 11.
P11 and Ghostown have been surrounded by all around barricade-like walls, with inside a village like community of ground blockaders with kitchens, supply storage. P11 has areas protected not just by one perimeter of rampart walls, with narrow and low entrances leading inside, but by a radiating form of a spiral and activists protecting the barricades from heavy equipment by having living crawl-in spaces forcing the police to take the barricades apart by hand and not by bulldozers.
The response of so many hands to build a community as one after another turns into another chapter of long hambi history of $tate evictions & repression, being a call to keep protecting and defending the existence that is under capitalist RWE attack. A call that now instead of by 10s or even by hundreds is being answered by thousands from all around the region, Germany and the world.
Attack on these two remaining forest communities is being expected on Monday or Tuesday in both Paragraph 11 that during last 2 days of large police actions already had a road leading into it cut through the forest stopping only 20 meters away from last large tree house in the a forest, so true to now epic tradition of Punk Pod successfull for over week defense of Lorien with multiple tripods connected by walk ways, now there is also 2 tripods in between the road and P11 .
Both occupations are calling for ground support, music in all forms and other to pack their backpack and join those on the front-iline to take a stand for endangered ecosystems such as Hambach Forest, demolished communities of homes not just in the trees but in over 58 towns and villages destroyed by RWE in the region and for the Climate that RWE largest single emissions in EU continue to push pass the point of no return Run-away climate change.
For The Earth!!
For Hambi!!
For the Climate