Now all the more! Sept. 27th 5 pm Demo from Buir

Now all the more!
Demonstration for the preservation of the Hambach forest and the immediate exit from fossil fuels.

Thursday, 09/27/2018, Buir station with kick-off rally
Start of the demonstration: 5:00 pm

Since 09/13/2018, RWE and the state government try with a massive police operation to evict the tree houses in the Hambach Forest under threadbare justifications. Tens of thousands of people have faced up to this madness with demonstrations, sitting blocks, petitions, forest walks and occupations of the coal railway and power plants.

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Solidarity against Repression!

In the course of militarized assault on the meadow on August 28, an activist from the forest was taken down off the kitchen roof after updating the outside on the situation in the meadow and arrested He was taken to the police HQ in Aachen, where he was identified. It was found that there is still an outstanding fines for previous accusations resulting out of actions in the Hambach Forest. The police therefore threatened with a sentence of 150 days jail. The daily rates were advanced by a solidarity private person who is no financial standing to cover the costs long term. As fines are an attempt to drain financial resources of the movement please help us gather funds to at least partially repay this sum. We ask you to carry together this penalty of 1500 € (10 € x 150 days) ! Please participate in this donation call. No JUStice – no peace!

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08/29/2018, 5:00–7:00 pm, Demo from Buir to Meadow Occupation in Hambach Forest

After the destruction of a large part of the meadow occupation by the police we call for a demo against state arbitrariness and for the preservation of Hambach Forest.

On Tuesday, the police brutally cleared the meadow camp, destroyed several buildings, stole water, tools and other infrastructure, and did not stop at personal items such as tents, sleeping bags, and cameras.
All those present in the meadow were given a sending-off – and this on a private property and without the owner of the meadow being informed. 15 people were arbitrarily arrested and access to the meadow and the publicly accessible forest was denied all day long. That is completely disproportionate!
The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is trying to criminalize the resistance and to wear it down, because the meadow camp is an important infrastructure of resistance in the Hambach Forest.

But we will not accept that! We will not let that stop us!
Together, we will vigorously move with many in a demonstration to the meadow and protest for the preservation of Hambach forest and thus for climate justice.
Together we will prevent the clearing and save the Hambach forest!

Place: Buir Railway station (Open Street Map)
Time: 5:00 pm meeting point, 5:30 Start of the demo
Final rally: about 6:30

Following the demonstration, there will be food in the meadow camp and this way the meadow will be revived collectively.

Continue Reading08/29/2018, 5:00–7:00 pm, Demo from Buir to Meadow Occupation in Hambach Forest