Skillsharing Camp, Spring 2018 – Save the Date

Soon it will be time again, the Skillsharing Camp in the Hambach Forest, our probably biggest event, is imminent. This year it will be from march 26th until april 08th. Thus it will take place during the Easter holidays of the vast majority of German federal states and in many other European countries. Because also students should have the chance to come (and if you have the misfortune to go to school where the holidays are different, e.g. in Hamburg, you still can skive off¹) 😉
The same applies to the semester break, so for university students.

As always, there will be a lot of workshops and some concerts. If you want to offer a workshop or an artistic contribution yourself, please write to

¹) It may be possible that this comment is an offense call.

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A Radio Report from the USA about Hambi and the Rhenish Lignite Mining

This e-mail was sent to us:
“Hi everyone,

I’m just now getting around to sending out this link to the story about Germany’s coal problem, about which we spoke last fall. The audio version, which aired nationwide on 300 radio stations in the US on the BBC co-production The World, is embedded here:

Make sure to click on the audio player to hear what actually went on the air, as it is different from the text story (and includes your voices).
A text version was also reprinted on online and in several US newspapers. Here’s one:

Thank you all very much for your time, help and expertise, without which none of this would have been possible. I hope our paths will cross again in the future.

Until then, best regards,”

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Forest Walk 1/14/2018

Llorien also has a tower now

“Hallo to all,

Here comes finally information on next Sunday.

Surely it will be a big walk again. Please put on warm clothes, specially: good shoes. After the many rains, the forest roads are muddy…

Here further information:

Continue ReadingForest Walk 1/14/2018