The security road has fallen into our hands. Secus are unable to take control and we have decided to build a winter beach on it. Directly next to the biggest artificial lake in Germany we are opening a beach club! A Beach Bar has been built and the sand is ready for you to feel the (not so blissful) heat of the coal mine.

Today (December 2nd) starting at 3pm we will throw a party with a (Molotov) cocktail bar, sound system, a No-Talent Talent Show and a band. Bring inflatable palm trees, plenty of drinks (don’t forget non-alcoholic ones too!) and your best dancing boots.

Spread the word. Let’s make this party unforgettable!

PS: Sunday (3rd of December) we will host a Noise Band also at the Beach Club. Bring more drinks and probably not as many inflatables.

You’re invited to stay in the forest afterwards!

See you at the Beach Club. Don’t miss out!


(In case some people don’t understand: Calling terrorists to people who try to protect the forest and the climate , adds insult to injury towards those affected by terrorist attacks in Pakistan or Paris)


Clearing stop does not mean that the forest is safe…

Today we woke up and the forest was calm. No rumbling of the machines tore the silence, no police helicopter stood over our houses. Since yesterday 6 pm RWE is not authorized to continue the deforestation. However, this does not mean that the forest is saved: the grubbing-up is prohibited until the court has decided on the application. When that will be, no one can exactly estimate here. In addition, the lawsuit is directed against the operating plan for 2014-2017. Even if the court decides in favor of us, deforesting would be possible again from 1 January 2018, unless the main operating plan, which will apply from 2018, is successfully challenged.

What clearing stop does not mean either is a ban on evictions. Tree houses and the meadow camp still can be evicted (and for Armin Laschet, the lignite also seems to be a special heart issue). Therefore, be careful, keep yourself and your allies up to date. In case of another police operation, there will be a warning again by SMS

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Deforesting work in Hambach Forest temporarily stopped!

Press release of the Higher Administrative Court

The Higher Administrative Court has provisionally obliged the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with an interlocutory decision to ensure that RWE Power AG refrains from further clearing and deforestation measures in Hambacher Forst from 6 pm on November 28th, 2017.
Der sogenannte Hängebeschluss ist eine vorübergehende Regelung und gilt bis zu einer Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts im anhängigen Eilbeschwerdeverfahren. Der BUND NRW e.V. hatte beim Verwaltungsgericht Köln mit einem Eilantrag zu verhindern versucht, dass RWE vor rechtskräftigem Abschluss des Klageverfahrens vom Hauptbetriebsplan 2015-2017 des Braunkohletagebaus Hambach Gebrauch machen kann. Gegen den insoweit ablehnenden Beschluss des Verwaltungsgerichts vom 25. Oktober 2017 hatte der BUND Beschwerde eingelegt und im Rahmen dieses Beschwerdeverfahrens am 24. November 2017 eine Zwischenentscheidung bis zum Beschluss über die Beschwerde beantragt. Diese hat das Oberverwaltungsgericht nun erlassen. Zur Begründung hat der 11. Senat ausgeführt: Die Zwischenentscheidung sei zur Gewährleistung effektiven Rechtsschutzes angesichts der Komplexität des Sachverhalt und der sich stellenden Rechtsfragen sowie zur Vermeidung irreversibler Zustände erforderlich.

In der Hauptsache hat das Verwaltungsgericht Köln am 24. November 2017 die Klage abgewiesen. Ein Rechtsmittel gegen dieses Urteil liegt dem Oberverwaltungsgericht noch nicht vor.

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