Call for Skillshares Camp Workshops

If you are interested in giving a workshop on many topics that involve radical and deep ecology, direct action, DIY, forest skills(herbs,eatible plants, etc) and report-backs from parallel struggles then lease get in touch with us and arrange a time when you would like to give your workshop or presentation. The Skillshare Festival will take place towards the end of Oct and beginning of September.

See you in the forest!

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New eviction of barricades

Police is evicting barricades in the forest.
7:30 The contact cop calls us.
Since 8:30 we hear the machines.
8:45 50 cops and security guards are in the forest.
9:30 Eviction tank leaves the forest. At the forest entrance there is still police.
11:00 In the morning there were two sitting blocks in front of the barricades to prevent their eviction. Two people were taken into custody and taken to the GeSa (Gefangenen-Sammelstelle, prisoners collecting center) in Aachen.
All barricades were evicted.
At the moment, a car parked in the forest is still surrounded by the police.
Police were briefly seen in Gallien.
12:18 Police have withdrawn from the forest.
Everyone is free again.
Thanks to all who helped here today.

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Blockade forces trucks to leave lumber in the forest, priest responds with fabrication of assault

Clergy Decapitators
The ancient Białowieża Forest continues to be logged at times late into the night and from early hours of the morning by more than 3 harvesters capable of downing more than 500 trees a day.
However following a week long intermission the anti logging resistance strikes again. When the trucks loading lumber which is presently spread through out the forest have been observed by morning patrols, over 30 activists left the Camp for the Primal Forest. After reaching the nearby location, 6 lock-on doubles, later joined by two more, locked on with metal pipes to a 18 wheeler loaded with lumber and to another one that was practically empty. The activists have locked on on top of the lumber load, on the sides and in the back and to lumber supports on the partially empty vehicle. Banners were dropped from the top, sides and front of the vehicles. Support and media group were present throwing sandwiches, books, and isomats onto the trucks and across the police lines. The drivers of the trucks climbed on top, tore off some of the banners and threatened those attempting to retrieve the material with a knife. There was a constant stream of support from the visitors to the park and locals, stopping by and expressing their gratitude and appreciation for defending this last European lowland primodial forest. A local astroturf group Santa financed by the Polish Forestry Department also made an appearance. They attempted to engage and distract the activists through ridicule, insults and threats. Their confrontational tactics were quickly dissolved when many visitors to the park attempted to communicate with this Crypto Industry, Pseudo Eco group.

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Artist in Residence Call Out

Hambacher Forest is not a canvas, it is not a medium and it is defininitevely not a location for product placement and/or guerrila marketing. It is however an ecological foundation of interconectness and a spring of creativity and imagination in the spirit of resistance, solidarity and collaboration all of which like its ecosystem are under a constant assault and in a perpetual need of allies . It is in that very spirit that a call goes out to all artists, wrtiters and musicians dealing with the subject of radical ecology, repression, climate change, feminism, GLBT and animal rights issues: Join the resistance to Lignite Mining and all monocultural constructs by climbing and residing in the free treehouses and platforms, protecting this millenarian forest.
Rebel against the art establishment and join other creatives and cultural refugees who instead of being pushed to the margins have taken to the frontlines of the strugle for equality, liberation and justice. Bring and share your imagination and skills not just into the Forest, but also to the Degrowth School of Klima Camp in Rhineland(August 21st to 30th), the COPP summit in Bonn in November 3-5 and for the Hambach Skillshares Camp in the Fall.
See You in the Forest!!

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