The occupants of the Hambach Forest in solidarity with Nahuel
On the 4th of November 2015, just over a year ago, the Spanish state began their wave of repression, the so-called “Operation ICE”, against a group of straight edge (drug-free) anarchists, SXE MAD.
4 of them got free under high payments, and 2 were transferred to preventive prison, where one got free under payment 2 weeks later.
The 6th comrade, Nahuel, is still in preventive prison.
The penitentiary system moves him to different prisons, to prevent comrades on the outside to get in contact with him.
No matter how hard they try, they will never stop our solidarity!
Freedom for Nahuel!
Freedom for all prisoners!
Tear apart the walls that keep us from each others!
More in Spanish https://publicacionrefractario.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/espana-operacion-ice-juan-y-borja-de-sxe-madrid-en-prision-preventiva-declaracion-de-sxe-madrid/