ZAD 7-15.7 Week of Exchanges aka ReOccupation Notre Dame De Land

Beginning this Saturday Zad version of Skillshares will begin on many of the evicted spaces attacked with such disproportionate state repression earlier this year.  About 1/3 of all structures continue to exist and are run by the anarchist and other radical and political collectives. Following week of workshops, events, actions and performances will be taking place through out the Zone. Showing that ZAD continues to be a living symbol of resistance to mega projects and ultra liberalism.

See you in ZAD and see you in Hambi!

Zad Partout – Hambi Everywhere!!

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1.7 Hambi and Hambi Treeplanting at Tag Des Guten Lebens Festival in Cologne

Several streets will be closed to traffic tomorrow around Ebertplatz in Cologne for Guten Leben Festival which will focus on ecology, sustainability, climate, interventions and activism.

There will be Hambi infostand as well as those for the Hambi Tree Planting Action this Fall and for several other allied anti-coal initiatives:

Hansaring 147

Energie, Neusser Str 30, 35

Neusser Str. 47

Trigger Warning: As for any event of this scale and with city approval there will be groups there advocating green capitalism.  Some of us feel however it is also important not to have that be the only “alternative” and “solution” presented to the masses as an answer to the present problems of planetary exploitation and ecological destruction.   Closing streets to traffic is a small symbolic step in the right direction and perhaps actions like Auf Bäumen Gegen Kohle could inspire people to realize that when the streets are closed off it would be better to plant them with trees from Hambi and not open them to traffic ever again.

Continue Reading1.7 Hambi and Hambi Treeplanting at Tag Des Guten Lebens Festival in Cologne

Poem: Grey walls – A night in a police station

[trigger warning – mentioning of police violence]

Grey walls – A night in a police station

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
Am I going to be the next one?
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.

My blood rushes around,
but there is no where to go.
My blood rushes around,
but there are only grey walls and numb noise.

I‘m moving in circles,
my body is here with me.
I‘m singing in circles,
my memories are here with me.

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
I‘m waiting

The wating is over!
Pain – floods my entire body!
Eight on one!
Pain – cuts through everything that has ever been.
My blood rushes around.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
Nowhere to go – there is only pain.
Waiting till all is over.

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
I‘m waiting

I‘m moving in cirlcs,
my body is here with me.
I‘m singing in circles ,
everything changed.
I‘m waiting.

The waiting is over.
I‘m here and we meet.
You, me and everything that is.
Our bodys are here together.
We are singing in circles,
our songs are here with me.
All for one.
We are here for each other.

— one of us

Continue ReadingPoem: Grey walls – A night in a police station

Saturday 2.6 Photo Solidarity Action for UPIII!

Isolation of UPIII continues with the strange precedent of persecutor and the Public Relations Press person for Political and Organized Crimes for North Rhine Westphalia, not the judge being in charge of approving her visits and consequently greatly delaying or denying large portions of them. Being younger, almost certainly the first time being in prison, she is also exposed to the draconian practice of German Legal Establishment of forcing young refugees and environmental activists who remain anonymous to take part in a pseudo scientific and sexually abusive age test. To determine whether they are of legal age, with this being done even despite of evidence being provided that states the age of the prisoner. Showing that the “age test” is being used as an instrument of punishment, repression and domination.

Continue ReadingSaturday 2.6 Photo Solidarity Action for UPIII!