Upcoming RWE Trial,Metting Tomorrow, Tues, 7PM Gallien

Upcoming RWE trial that will take place on October 17 in Cologne regarding endangered species in this seasons cutting line and the companys lack of enviromental studies.  Do not hold your breath for additional postponment of the cutting given the history and trackrecord of the local courts being coopted by the RWE Climate Killer Machine to be mostly used as a repressive mechanism.

Do however join us either at the trial or tomorrow to discuss the matter in the Forest in Gallien Occupation at 19 oclock.

More info at


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Solidarity with Bure Struggle under repression

Last week our Comrades in Bure France who are resisting against a planned radiation storage facility by Andra were raided by aproximately 80 gandarmes who broke through the doors of House of Resistance. The pigs who also closed off the surrounding roads and broke windows of the cars and vans parked in the vicinity have seized the usuall loot of weapons of mass communications in the forms of computers and phones. They were able to compromise the encrypted drives and are now thretening charges to the people who can be linked to the electronic content. This is yet another example of how the state engages in ever increasing sureilance and repression dinamic that is so crucial to functioning of the viscious loop of exctractionism and disaster capitalism. Facing such massive resources used not for addressing social and ecological issues but for imposing the state of planetary ecological disintergration it is that which is being targeted and destroyed that becomes our biggest and most powerfull weapon. That is the communities we form and which are aready part off, solidarity, mutual support and song and rhytm.

Comrades at Bure, You are not alone in your fight, remember that Hambi zone of occupation is also your home where you can share your songs and music of the resistance and even at the distance you are still connected with and inspire many struggles worldwide such as the anticoal struggle in Hambacher Forest.


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Skillshares Camp in Progress

This year’s Fall Skillshare Camp has been filled with numerous workshops on the diverse subjects ranging from anarcho feminist theory and practice to multiple direct action skills and strategies. Like always it has offered all those resisting capitalist exploitation of the planet and numerous communities a chance to come together and connect, share and ispire each other.

Yesterday for example concluded with a spoken word session dealing with topics from alienation and resistance to musical concert with many of the works being about the Hambacher Forest struggle itself.

Additional 3 days of the Skillshare camp remain so pack a backpack and hit your closest highway on-ramp and put a thumb up in the direction of Hambi…now or during the whole cutting season as the occupation with its constant climbing workshops and sharing of knowlege could be considered one extended skillshare camp.

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A compensation of 1 million for all 8,000 RWE employees …


We received this e-mail:

„… and then in two years: the end of the Rhenish lignite mining.

1,000,000 compensation per employee × 8,000 employees = 8,000,000 × 1,000 = 8,000,000,000 = 8 billion euros compensation for all 8,000 employees in total = profit of RWE Power AG from the lignite in the next 2 years.

The profit from the lignite in the amount of EUR 8 billion required for this measure is still below the profit of EUR 8.5798 billion (= EUR 4.2899 billion x 2 years), which RWE actually is going to achieve in the next 2 years from the lignite. See our previous article: 116 billion € profit from the lignite ….

In no case in North Rhine-Westphalia “the lights will go out” go out after these 2 years! According to the latest figures published by the Energy Agency of the state of NRW, 178.8 Terrawatt hours of electricity are generated per year in NRW, but only 138.8 Terrawatt hours per year are consumed, corresponding to an overproduction of electricity in NRW in the amount of 40.0 Terrawatt hours per year. From the Hambach lignite estimated approximately 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity per year, from the Garzweiler lignite roughly estimated perhaps 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity. Possible flanking measures: No export of lignite electricity to France and the Netherlands nor even to outside NRW.

The electricity generated from the Hambach lignite of 18.5 Terrawatt hours of electricity was calculated quite complexly from RWE Power AG’s application for the approval of the 3rd framework plan for Hambach, as this information was missing in this application.

The reduction of 1,500 jobs announced today by RWE in the next 2 years corresponds to only 18.75% of the possible reduction of 8,000 jobs in the next two years against a compensation of one million euros per employee.
Sept 14, 2017

Kurt Claßen

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