Climate Camp & Degrowth Summer School 2016

Also this year 2016, there will be another Climate Camp in Rhenania! In August, from 19th to 29th, it’s once more about networking, formation and action… and about living already today tomorrow’s society – social, grassroots democratic and environmentally responsible manner.

On the climate camp, the Degrowth Summer School will again take place at which it will be important to concretise Degrowth: By learning practical skills and the analysis of social developments.

The Mobilisation Video for the Climate Camp 2016 in Rhenania

The mass action of civil disobedience “Ende Gelände”, at which last year 1,000 people paralysed the opencast lignite mine of Garzweiler, took place at Pentecost of this year in the Lausitz region. In the Rhineland (Rhenania), there will be an action lab, in which new forms of action will be tried out. If you should be interested to help us with the preparation and if you have further questions, please contact the group ausgeCO2hlt.

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Preservation of Mother Earth

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Since December 2010 they have in Bolivia the unique “Law on the Rights of Mother Earth”. It gives to our planet – as a living system – rights in the same rank as the Human Rights. The indigenous population of this mountainous country has always known how sensitive the Earth is, whom we are all dependent on. That’s why they call her reverently Mother Earth: Pachamama. The current government is the first that recognizes and values the culture, belief and rights of the indigenous people.

The law states that all Bolivians are part of Mother Earth, and a little further:

The exercise of individual rights of is limited by the exercise of collective rights in the life systems of Mother Earth. Any conflict between the rights must be solved in a way that these do not affect irreversibly the functionality of the living systems.
El ejercicio de los derechos individuales está limitado por el ejercicio de los derechos colectivos en los sistemas de vida de la Madre Tierra, cualquier conflicto entre derechos debe resolverse de manera que no se afecte irreversiblemente la funcionalidad de los sistemas de vida.

The rights of the life systems (Mother Earth) therefore have priority. With such a law in Germany for example, open-cast mining would be unlawful because it damages the “functionality of the living systems” forever.
The law enumerates seven specific rights to which Mother Earth and her constituent life systems, including human communities, are entitled:

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Meanwhile a more credible claim of responsibility has been posted at indymedia. At this point, we do not want to comment nor torate it, we only want to report on it and to stimulate discussion. Nevertheless, thanks to the author(s) of this second letter, which certainly also will resolve some of the confusion within the “scene”.

Declaration on the cable fire in the Hambach mine

We speak up as those who caused the breakdown of the lignite mining in the Hambach open pit last Sunday morning, April 24, 2016. As a target of our attack we chose the uncovered ground lines between the coal bunker and the conveyor belts collection point. With these cables all excavators, spreaders and conveyor belts are connected. The cables pass from the substation on the western edge of the pit near Oberzier, where is transformed from 280kV down to 30kV, to the conveyor belts collection point on steel frameworks at a height of about 20 – 200 cm. Including the insulation they were about 10 cm thick.
In order to achieve a secure effect on as many cables as possible we poured and ignited tremendous loads of petrol under the cables. Near the fire, there were neither buildings nor equipment to which the fire could have jumped over. There also were no people around. The various blackouts were accompanied by bright flashes, visible in the entire pit. They were due to the discharges of the power cables as soon as the insulation was melted away. Our action was not only directed against RWE, but also against the dominant conditions. In a world where capital interests are in the foreground and the power structure ruthlessly pushes through its myopic interests against all odds, and against humans and nature, a radical resistance is needed. We want to oppose a resounding “NO” to this system, as a first step to tilt this balance of power at some point.

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These two events were reported in the last days:

  1. Sabotage am Tagebau Inden (Sabotage near the Inden opencast mine)
    “Since April 12th 2016, this text can be found at Indymedia linksunten (bottom left). Here it is only redistributed, the content of the text is debatable.
    Note: The current authors of this blog have nothing to deal with both the text, as well as with the action described! This is an uncommented forwarding information.
    Then follows a text in German, in which a person declares to have tried to fell a pylon which transports the electricity needed for the open pit of Inden. It has suffered severe damage and needs to be replaced now.
  2. Under the title Anschlag? (Attack?) we published a comment to another text at Licht aus. Tagebau Hambach, Lights off. Opencast mine Hambach
    “From the side of the meadow occupation absolutely nothing can be confirmed. During the night in question no police was sighted around the mine, nor did we spot any fire. So far we have heard from none of our trusted sources that an action like this has occurred. We do not know, and here there is already speculation that this could have been a “False Flag” attack by RWE or RWE-affiliated individuals. It would make sense: Actually the resistance is more focussed by the authorities (as the recent police raids show), and that such events would lead to a closer look, which is certainly on the mind of RWE.”

We don’t have more details at this moment, we will report further in any case, if there is something new. And if anyone has more info / eyewitness accounts, please contact us! (Mails through our contact is automatically encrypted).
The second event remembered a reader of the German version of this site to the Reichstag fire in 1933, when the Nazis used (and probably lighted) this fire to start the prosecution and elimination of their enemies.

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