Is it an insult to call a judge “perversor of justice”?

Trial against Jörg Bergstedt

This trial took place one friday, oct.2, 2015, before the one against Jus in the same court. Accusation: insult of a judge (“perversor of justice”). This can only be an insult if it is not true.
Therefore, in this trial will be to decide on the assertion of fact whether the judge is a “perversor of justice”. Details in German

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NRW-carbon exit 2030: direction OK, timing continues to endanger health and climate

The Greens celebrate Hannelore Kraft as the gravedigger of lignite, but RWE remains the gravedigger of the Rhineland. Implemented are only the slack demands of the carbon chain of Greenpeace , TG and B.U.N.D..

According to the Energy Watch Group, the International Energy Agency (IEA) publishes since years wrong data and projections on the potential of renewable enegies (Frankfurter Rundschau).

Although wind power and photovoltaics have grown exponentially in recent decades, the IEA continues to assume a linear growth of these technologies, and therefore a constant annual installation of new systems. So they predict for the renewable energies only a 14 percent share of the global energy supply by 2030. In fact, according to critics, 60 percent are rather realistic when applying the average growth rates of the past 20 years.

In addition, Greenpeace assumes 100% until 2050.

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Madagascar: freedom for the environmentalist Armand Marozafy

For years, a handful of tropical timber traders are plundering unscrupulous the rainforests of Madagascar, the EIA environmental organization reports. Even in face of national parks that are declared World Heritage by UNESCO, the loggers do not stop.
Armand Marozafy, environmental activist, tourist guide and chairman of the steering and supporting committee of protected areas in the region of Masoala
In 2010, Armand Marozafy was the center of a BBC report devoted to the illegal logging of rosewood in the forests of Madagascar

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Climate justice also means:Refugees are Welcome!

Germany 2015. The extreme right groups “Concerned citizens”, Nazis, Pegida and AfD stir up public opinion against refugees, demonstrate in front of refugee domiciles and almost every day accommodation for refugees is attacked, so far mostly uninhabited, but buildings, where already people lived in, have been attacked too. Representatives of the governing parties CDU and SPD refer to these people as “rabble” and condemn their movements verbally, while they on the one hand hardly ensure the protection of the refugees (in Heidenau they sent only 136 cops to protect the refugees against more than 1,000 right-wingers) and on the other hand they even meet the demands of these right movements by worsening the lives of refugees massively (re-tightening of the residence obligation, food parcels instead of cash payments), by declaring more and more countries “safe third countries” (primarily Balkan countries where Roma are exposed to even more massive discrimination than anywhere else) and now by closing the borders with Austria and Denmark again and reintroducing border controls.

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