Pont Valley Eviction Lasts 2 days.

On Thursday and Friday, April 19 to 20th one of the longest, 36 hour eviction took place of Protect Pont Valley Camp which has been blocking the new Banks Group open cast mine. This mine has been blocked and rejected over 3 times over last 30 years by community resistance.
Being approved now as UK is claiming to be phasing out of Coal.
Coalition of Climate-Justice and anti-Coal activists many from Hambach Forest has been occupying the proposed construction site for entrance and access road to the mine for month and a half.

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Weapons of Mass Communication!!!

Confiscated by Düren Cops held for over a year.

There have been 3 police raids on the Meadow Camp in Hambacher Forest over last several years. During those raids the police would enter the location of our support “eco village” camp located on private property with search warrants listing as reasons either searches for weapons or even explosives. The resulting confiscations however focused exclusively on electronic devices, that is the “Weapons of Mass Communication”. Commandeering tools and outlets for press work, documentation, photography of police behavior and brutality and legal documentation. This has been done days before even larger police actions. In effect silencing us electronically and leaving us not able to communicate to the outside world about what was taking place with limited documentation of police antics and no way to present conflicting evidence to the State’s so often trumped up accusations used to imprison our comrades for months without trial. With three of our comrades, Hambi3(#freehambi3), presently in prison.

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Stormy Clouds Sunset over Pont Valley Protection Camp

Lots of warm solidarity and support from Pont Valley Protection Camp to all defending Hambacher Forest and full spectrum of their supporters following evictions of barricades this time by the police and imprisonment of now 2 additional Climate Justice Political Prisoners together with UP2(kept for past 2 month in isolation with “evidence” being kept from the defense) making now the #freeHambi3. The disaster martial law capitalism steps up its bullshit this time instead of after communists and labour activists going for environmental, climate and direct action activists first as Rheine Energy CEO/Police Chief, Herbert Reul and his fossil fools disaster capilast New Frei Corps of North Rhine Westphalia Interior ministry police sweeps up the opposition. As climate disaster deepens, ecosystems collapse accelerates, nuclear proliferation and militarization is an accepted by the masses fucked up reality while militant resistance is delegitimized, criminalized and appropriated for media green-scare campaigns. Firecrackers and pocket knives become dangerous weapons as politically cynical capitalist conspiracy of repression continues its campaign of divide and conquer by pushing community and civil initiatives to be further and further apart from radical part of the movement. Through fear and reformists empty promises of change forcing some to engage in follow ups of repressions with external retraumatizing critiques.


Pont Valley Protection Camp: Possible Eviction Alert

There is very high possibility of attempts to evict the The Pont Valley Protection Camp this week which like other Fracking Site protests, blockades and autonomous land occupations in England is facing the use of the Common Law Eviction, also known as “Owners Right to Self-Help” allowing the corporations involved and the property owners leasing to them to employ Bailiffs and private security to evict activists without court proceedings or much of a warning. This is done by showing up at the site issuing a warning and then after couple hours proceeding to remove the occupiers. In this type of eviction the Police does not get involved and does not assist and no arrests are made as long as bailiffs are not physically fought. That is why legal observers and videographers are important on the scene. Also neither bailiffs nor security is trained or insured for lock-on, tripod,or tree removal. They also count on low numbers of resistors as if there is more people it is possible to resist their removal from the Site.

So please spread the word if you can not show up and support the Pont Valley struggle in person. If you can, pack your backpack and head over to the camp located outside of Dipton, near Newcastle.

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